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What were they thinking? Hugh Hewitt guesses Osama misread nature of America's character ^ | September 11, 2002 | Hugh Hewitt

Posted on 09/11/2002 7:14:25 AM PDT by RonDog

WND Exclusive Commentary
What were they thinking?

Posted: September 11, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2002

Does the remaining leadership of al-Qaida regret the attacks they launched a year ago? The dead ones can regret nothing, of course, and the scum-on-the-run thump their chests via videotape, but in their quiet moments inside this hovel or that cave, do you suppose they ask themselves: "What were we thinking?"

How could they have misjudged America so badly? The America that pauses today to remember its losses and its heroes is not very different from the America of Sept. 10, 2001. The tears for the victims, the vast love of country, the genuine admiration for the political leadership that guided us through the crisis and the deep appreciation for the police, fire and military forces standing watch today – as they do every day – these are expressions of the basic American character that existed prior to the attacks. How could the Osamas of the world have misread it?

My guess is that bin Laden and his crowd mistook the American fringe for the American majority, and also believed the Clinton administration's fecklessness on foreign policy to be an expression of underlying American impotence.

The fringe is always there. It is there still, in fact. Jill Stewart is widely regarded as one of the toughest journalists in Los Angeles, but her snarling and deeply bitter attack on the country, in general, and Lisa Beamer, in particular, in the New Times is an expression of a widespread loathing of the country's political center that infects most of elite media today, as it has in the years since Vietnam. In the decade prior to the attacks on America, the media's dyspepsia over core American values had grown so pronounced that foreigners could easily mistake that self-hatred for a general American sentiment.

It is easy enough for Americans themselves to forget that Phil Donahue draws less than 200,000 viewers a night – even as Rush Limbaugh attracts 20 million listeners a week – and that NPR would fade the moment coerced subsidies stopped flowing its way. The columnists in the unreal world of the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times – Scheer, Krugman, Dowd and Rich – are often clever, but never representative of the American pulse. Observers from abroad can easily miss hearing the voice of America when all it hears is Alec Baldwin and Barbra Streisand.

Enemies of the United States might also have watched the Clinton administration's indifferent responses to escalating atrocity and concluded that the attacks of last year would provoke, at worst, the launch of a couple of cruise missiles followed by subpoena servers. A country that needed U.N. approval in 1991, and which responded not at all to an attack on a ship of its Navy in 2000, is not a country that inspires fear among common criminals much less terrorists.

Would Osama have been wrong to conclude that this country would seek permission from sheiks and dictators before coming after him, and then would only do so from the air, if at all? In any of his plans, could he have foreseen a Special Forces cavalryman charging a Taliban redoubt, or Neil Roberts sacrificing himself for his buddies? (If you haven't yet read "Never Bring a Box-Cutter to a Jihad," do so today, and then visit

As Churchill famously put it – and which our enemies often forget – the generations before us did not cross plains, mountains and deserts because they were made of cotton candy. Neither are their descendants.

The anti-American lobby has reopened its offices as of late, and the hand-wringers are once again out front with their posters, and busy with their documentaries. You have to hope that the world no longer thinks Margaret Carlson and Al Hunt stand for any significant segment of public opinion, or that Sandy Berger represents our best thinking on foreign affairs, or that the military might of the United States has been mothballed.

If we are safer now than a year ago, it is because rough men with big guns can move across the globe in days, because powerful ships armed with lethal missiles – and from which pilots can launch – can strike at a moment's notice, and because invisible planes can take off from America and deliver justice 12 hours later.

It is safer as well because Todd Beamer and his fellow heroes set an example that has already been followed and would be followed again if the circumstances arose, because this president is patient and determined, and because the vast, vast majority of America is not tenured, does not play with words for a living, does worship God and would sacrifice all willingly in defense of their country.

My guess is that, this year, the remnants of al-Qaida know all these things and will never again confuse the Peace Corps with the Marine Corps. Though the war is far from over, the clear recognition of American resolve, American purpose and American power is the guarantee of eventual peace.

Related offer:

In 'The Embarrassed Believer,' Hugh Hewitt is reviving the Christian witness in an age of unbelief. Autographed copies are now available in WND's online store!

Hugh Hewitt is an author, television commentator and syndicated talk-show host of the Salem Radio Network's Hugh Hewitt Show, heard in over 40 markets around the country.

TOPICS: Announcements; Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Free Republic; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: christianlife; hughhewitt
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1 posted on 09/11/2002 7:14:25 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: RonDog
"Jill Stewart is widely regarded as one of the toughest journalists in Los Angeles, but her snarling and deeply bitter attack "

I just glanced at the link to this article. What a puddle of disgusting puke---the part about Lisa Beamer, that's all I bothered to read.

May God give us MORE Lisa Beamer's (and Shannon Spann's!)...They represent one of the few hopeful indicators for the future seen in this entire mess. (And when Shannon gets her family raised let's hope she goes into politics.....ENOUGH of the notion that all women in politics must be left-wing Hillary-femmenazi types!)

2 posted on 09/11/2002 7:21:58 AM PDT by gg188
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Comment #3 Removed by Moderator

To: RonDog
"Enemies of the United States might also have watched the Clinton administration's indifferent responses to escalating atrocity and concluded that the attacks of last year would provoke, at worst, the launch of a couple of cruise missiles followed by subpoena servers. A country that needed U.N. approval in 1991, and which responded not at all to an attack on a ship of its Navy in 2000, is not a country that inspires fear among common criminals much less terrorists.

Would Osama have been wrong to conclude that this country would seek permission from sheiks and dictators before coming after him, and then would only do so from the air, if at all? In any of his plans, could he have foreseen a Special Forces cavalryman charging a Taliban redoubt, or Neil Roberts sacrificing himself for his buddies? (If you haven't yet read "Never Bring a Box-Cutter to a Jihad," do so today, and then visit" - Hugh Hewitt

That would be from:

"Never bring a box cutter to a Jihad" [repost with FULL TEXT, and source]
Marine Corps Intelligence Association: "Info from the Battle Field" ^ | 22 March 2002 |
Posted on 05/28/2002 3:36 PM Pacific by RonDog

-- snip --

Let the message go forth to the Al Qaeda, other terrorists, and those who want to back them anywhere on the globe.
Think you're tough? You want to kill our families, blow up civilians? Stand by!

We are sending our very best to hunt you down and take you out. These are the guys who are coming to get you. These are the guys who will climb into the mountains and into the darkened caves halfway around the world and look you in the eye, toe to toe, with any weapon at hand (ours or yours), to take you out.

These guys have trained longer, are stronger, harder, faster, tougher, and more relentless and lethal than anything you will ever produce. And we will arm them with the best money can buy, from Spectre gunships and thermobaric bombs to knives sharper than any box cutter you can sneak on a plane.

They are now on your trail. They're hunting you down.
How's it feel to be a terrorist now?

Never bring a box cutter to a Jihad."

Thanks for the link to our Free Republic thread, Hugh!
4 posted on 09/11/2002 7:25:16 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: RonDog
Hugh is a good guy and I have a lot of respect for him and his views, but he is a PollyAnna about many things.
Unfortunately modern Americans are NOT all descended from those who crossed the plains, mountains, and deserts to build this country. Many people here today have no more heritage than that of common laborers accepted into our culture to meet the physical needs of the nation's agriculture and industry. Therein lies the distinction between the descendants of colonists and pioneers and the descendants those who were not.

We sincerely hope that Mr. Hewitt is correct and that America WILL rise to the challenge of self defense in the 21st Century. There may be just enough of us who care to carry the load of the indolent, self-indulgent and left leaning "Blue State" masses.

Can we? If you need grounds to doubt then just consider: who voted for Bill CLinton to get elected and re-elected and why is he still regarded as a leader today? Are those "Americans" equally resolved to love, serve and defend our nation and our free way of life?

Please pray for our nation and its current leaders.

5 posted on 09/11/2002 7:31:20 AM PDT by BenLurkin
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To: RonDog
Sorry, but we have not yet reacted in the way that we will ultimately need to, in order to survive.
6 posted on 09/11/2002 7:32:07 AM PDT by PBRSTREETGANG
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To: RonDog
Nice line.
7 posted on 09/11/2002 7:32:26 AM PDT by Eric in the Ozarks
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To: gg188
"Jill Stewart is widely regarded as one of the toughest journalists in Los Angeles, but her snarling and deeply bitter attack "

I just glanced at the link to this article. What a puddle of disgusting puke---the part about Lisa Beamer...


September 10, 2002

Thomas Bray at and Patt Morrison at the Los Angeles Times both pen "December 7, 1942" columns. Compare and contrast. Patt's an old friend and her column is generally a good one, but she gets off-course when she suggests that Americans today, unlike those of 1942, have little to focus on: "Only a diffuse war against an elusive enemy, and the prospect of another war against a new enemy." Patt's entitled to her opinion that there is no connection between Sadaam and Al Qaeda, but the professionals who know terrorism and know Saddam laugh at such assertions. This division of bad guys is the last effort of the left to mount an anti-war strategy on a basis other than not liking the Bush Administration to contrast so boldly with the Clinton fiasco. Bray's column, by comparison, raises the real question: Does this generation of Americans have the stuff to stay the course and win the war?

The Boston Globe's John Donnelly and Anthony Shadid write that "Iraq war hawks have plans to reshape entire Mideast." As opposed, to say, Al Qaeda?

And the few readers of Jill Stewart's anti-Lisa Beamer anti-everything and everyone piece I posted yesterday might want to consider today's New York Times headline that "Lung Ailments May Force 500 Firefighters Off Job." But like Jill says, we are supposed to get over it, so don't bother to consider the continuing, unfolding cost of the attacks. It is okay to return to self-absorption and posturing.

And, the Ninth Circuit gets one right! See "Bible Group Wins Ruling on School Rights" in the Los Angeles Times. Christians are people (and high school students) too!

Thanks to Eugene Volokh at The Volokh Conspiracy for taking the Los Angeles Times to task for blowing its big anti-Ashcroft editorial yesterday. The more frenzied those folks get, the more obvious their mistakes. Waiting for a correction....

September 9, 2002

I know Jill Stewart and respect a great deal of her work, but her column in the alternative newspaper in Los Angeles "New Times" is a stunning departure from reporting and tells us much more about Jill Stewart than it does the state of the country one year after the attacks on America. The only redeeming feature of this column is that it does put on display a widespread attitude in the newsrooms of America. Alex Jones writing in Editor & Publisher posed the question, "Why do many readers hate us again?" He need only read Stewart’s piece and understand that the public detects Stewart’s attitude in most elite media to have his answer.

8 posted on 09/11/2002 7:35:02 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: MRAR15Guy56
Poor baby, I am sorry you feel that way. Maybe if we just sat back and did nothing they would leave us alone. Or, you can just pull the covers over your head and pretend this will all go away.
9 posted on 09/11/2002 7:36:28 AM PDT by CIB-173RDABN
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To: Eric in the Ozarks
"Never bring a box cutter to a Jihad”

Nice line.

The ORIGINAL can be found at Defense Watch (May 2002) - Article 04, with THIS introduction;
Editor's Note: This email was sent by one of our general officers in Afghanistan to Hack. His identity is being withheld. While the news from Operation Anaconda is slightly dated, this account provides some new details of the heroism of slain Navy SEAL Neil Roberts and the American soldiers who attempted to rescue him.

From Anaconda AO:

Ground war will be run by CINC's man on the spot, the Commander of 10th Mtn Division. (The CINC isn't trying to run the war via video from Tampa - he has a hell of a lot more to run besides Afghanistan, and that is his job and his place). As any other senior officer who has grown up in a branch culture, the 2-star 10th Mtn Division commander is most comfortable with Army and will primarily rely on them to be the lion's share of the offense on the ground. That's the way they are designed and supported. I think the performance during ANACONDA was a bit of an eye opener. Intel very hard to pin down - it's not a perfect world.

Afghans often playing both sides of the fence, thus the senior leaders have to be cautious. Don't think they thought resistance would be as bad initially as they found. Al Qaeda were well-entrenched and prepared to fight. UK SAS had a significant cave fight on a small complex last fall, and it was a brutal close quarter battle.

That should have keyed us to always be thinking they will do the same anytime we find pockets of them, especially if you intend to surround them and provide no "back door" for escape (setting up ambushes to catch them just as they think they've gotten out.

ANACONDA AO almost impossible to close off (huge and rough terrain), and locals supported Al Qaeda in many ways. We nailed a lot of them, but a lot got away. We can expect more of the same in the future. Certainly not a failure, and we'll take them out 100 at a time or 2 at a time, it matters not. The end will be the same, just might take longer.

SF A Teams doing dynamite mixing in with locals and doing their thing. USAF CCT doing incredibly well calling in heavy fire and bombs from above with precision. USAF PJs have been on every hot mission supporting as combat medics.

Unfortunately, there's still some mistaken concept out there that SEALs are only comfortable in water...


10 posted on 09/11/2002 7:48:21 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: MRAR15Guy56
repression of freedom at home...

I would just love to hear you name a journalist, college professor, or student who has been arrested for expressing dissenting political opinions. And please do not try to confuse public reproach with government action.

11 posted on 09/11/2002 7:51:43 AM PDT by js1138
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To: doug from upland; ALOHA RONNIE; DLfromthedesert; PatiPie; flamefront; onyx; SMEDLEYBUTLER; Irma; ...
"How could they have misjudged America so badly?
The America that pauses today to remember its losses and its heroes is not very different from the America of Sept. 10, 2001.
The tears for the victims, the vast love of country, the genuine admiration for the political leadership that guided us through the crisis and the deep appreciation for the police, fire and military forces standing watch today – as they do every day – these are expressions of the basic American character that existed prior to the attacks.

How could the Osamas of the world have misread it?" - Hugh Hewitt

If you listen to Hugh Hewitt, or read his WND commentaries,
this PING list is for YOU!

Please post your comments, and BUMP!

(If you want OFF - or ON - my "Hugh Hewitt PING list" - please let me know)

12 posted on 09/11/2002 7:53:00 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: JohnHuang2
"Ping King" - PING, please!
Your majesty!

13 posted on 09/11/2002 7:54:52 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: gg188
At least she did bash the trial lawyers.
14 posted on 09/11/2002 7:56:38 AM PDT by cinFLA
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To: RonDog; generalissimoduane
A bump and a ping.
15 posted on 09/11/2002 8:06:11 AM PDT by BenLurkin
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To: RonDog
IMHO, Osama bin Laden was watching America through CNN's eyes, and that is an America that is weak and vulnerable and evil...but the Leftists' version of America is not reality, and bin Laden will eventually die because of his miscalculation.


16 posted on 09/11/2002 8:07:40 AM PDT by Mudboy Slim
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To: RonDog
My guess is that bin Laden and his crowd mistook the American fringe for the American majority, and also believed the Clinton administration's fecklessness on foreign policy to be an expression of underlying American impotence.

I totally agree with this 100%. If Algore was president we would have had an Interpol investigation and talking about "Why they hate us?". (I say we would all be speaking arabic right now).

I had a class at the local universit last fall. I had a leftist, red diaper doper baby, anti-American for a professor. She digressed from the classroom to rail against the USA all the time. One time she said, "They understand us more than we understand them". Lets see, the most open and advanced society in human history knows less than a civilization stuck in the 13th century. I abotu blew a gasket.

The one thing that Al Queda thought was that the US would seriously do nothing. They had no clue that we would take over Afghanistan - the first to do so since Alexander the Great. They seriously believed the stuff coming out of the likes of my professor.

17 posted on 09/11/2002 8:11:18 AM PDT by KC_Conspirator
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To: BenLurkin
Many people here today have no more heritage than that of common laborers accepted into our culture to meet the physical needs of the nation's agriculture and industry.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this statement. Are the people who have come here to build a better life for themselves post-revolution and/or post-opening of the west somehow less American?

I for one know who I am and where I live and why America is the world's best hope. I am descended not only from individuals who came from Europe pre-revolution, but also Irish who fled the famine, one or two strains of American Indian, and Germans who arrived in the second decade of the 20th century. The basis for my understanding of American greatness, I believe, stems directly from what has been passed down through the generations from those individuals who left what they knew to venture into the unknown to make a better life for themselves and ultimately for me.

If I have misunderstood you I sincerely apologize. But for you to imply that just because someone came here to find a job (oh horror, here come the capitalists), they have less heritage that someone who can claim membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution, gives me pause to wonder if you truly understand this country yourself.

18 posted on 09/11/2002 8:16:09 AM PDT by Myrnick
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To: RonDog; Mr. Mulliner
If we are safer now than a year ago, it is because rough men with big guns can move across the globe in days, because powerful ships armed with lethal missiles – and from which pilots can launch – can strike at a moment's notice, and because invisible planes can take off from America and deliver justice 12 hours later.

It is safer as well because Todd Beamer and his fellow heroes set an example that has already been followed and would be followed again if the circumstances arose, because this president is patient and determined, and because the vast, vast majority of America is not tenured, does not play with words for a living, does worship God and would sacrifice all willingly in defense of their country..

See also, from a search of Free Repubic for "Lisa Beamer":
The Women the Taliban Couldn’t Take:(Lisa Beamer and friends)
      Posted by victim soul
On Aug 30 2:46 PM with 7 comments

National Review ^ | 8.29.02 | Lopez
Let's Roll: Exclusive excerpts from Lisa Beamer's book about Flight 93
      Posted by Mr. Mulliner
On Aug 10 2:59 PM with 143 comments

World ^ | August 17 issue | Lisa Beamer
Lisa Beamer Gives Birth
      Posted by RepubMommy
On Jan 11 5:53 PM with 9 comments

Fox News
Bush, Giuliani, Condit, Lisa Beamer Among Those Named the 25 Most Intruiging People of 2001
      Posted by Big Steve
On Dec 27 2001 1:08 AM with 10 comments

People Magazine ^ | Reuters/White House/Eric Draper
Widow of Flight 93 passenger tells group to choose hope (Lisa Beamer God is in control)
      Posted by TLBSHOW
On Nov 11 2001 8:38 PM with 25 comments

AP VIA NEWSDAY ^ | 11/10/2001 | AP
Pix of Lisa Beamer taking flight to San Francisco
      Posted by InvisibleChurch
On Oct 19 2001 3:03 PM with 19 comments

yahoo ^ | 101901
I found THIS wonderful thread:
Let's Roll: Exclusive excerpts from Lisa Beamer's book about Flight 93
World ^ | August 17 issue | Lisa Beamer
Posted on 08/10/2002 6:59 AM Pacific by Mr. Mulliner

Let's Roll

Those were Todd Beamer's last known words before meeting his Lord on Sept. 11, 2001. His last known action was helping lead a passenger revolt against a terrorist plot on a Washington, D.C., landmark, most likely the Capitol. Now almost a year after her husband's death and post-mortem fame, Lisa Beamer tells her story. Here are exclusive excerpts ...

"I have a lot on my plate for the next couple of days": Todd was ready to go to work after a company-sponsored vacation to Europe. He and Lisa returned home just one day before Todd was to board United Flight 93 for a business trip on Sept. 11.

During my spare time while in Rome, I was reading about the book of Esther in the Bible. I was scheduled to teach on the subject when we returned home.

As I read over my study guide on Esther's story, I came to a suggested Bible "memory" verse for the first week. To my surprise, it was Romans 11:33-36, the exact passage of Scripture that had come to mean so much to me after my dad's death. This is great, I thought as I read over the passage. I don't even have to memorize this passage. I already know it:

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!

How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!

"Who has known the mind of the Lord?

Or who has been His counselor?"

"Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?"

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things.

To Him be the glory forever! Amen.

These were the words I was to focus on as I prepared to teach the lesson when we returned home, on Sept. 10. It wasn't until later that I realized why God had brought those words to the forefront of my mind...



19 posted on 09/11/2002 8:16:34 AM PDT by RonDog
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To: RonDog
Lisa Beamer, like her husband, possesses great courage, the strength of the Holy Spirit of which that "journalist" is apparently sorely lacking.
20 posted on 09/11/2002 8:26:53 AM PDT by DLfromthedesert
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