This is really a very strange document. Arab (the ethnicity), "Arabic" (the language group), and Islamic are three very different things. The author refers to "Arabic peoples" which can only mean that he or she intends a reference to the language group, but that language group subsumes at least the 20 ethnicities referenced and more, and within those "customs" such as those referenced vary widely. Moreover, the Iranian people the linked story references are not Arabic by ethnicity (they're Persians and the remnants of ancient peoples such as the Medes) nor by language group (they speak Farsi). They are, in addition, Shi'ite muslims, not the Sunnis of classical Arabic derivation, whose customs within Islam differ from their Western coreligionists.
Even within the Arabic Sunni Moslem Arabs customs tend to differ depending on whether the individual is a follower of the fundamentalist Wahhabis or the more secular majority. While I'd be the last to defend Islam as a "religion of peace," this sort of stuff is simply too oversimplifying and broad-brush to be useful to really understanding the peoples in question.
you may have missed this post and I think it is very helpful in understanding Arabic/Muslim culture.
Who wrote this manual for the FBI- Osama and Khomeini? God help us if the FBI really trains off this rubbish.