What is significant about this article, is that the California ISO (Independent transmission System Operator) is suppose to actively monitor and manage the electric transmission system on a real-time basis and make adjustments to keep the power flowing in a reliable manner.
The Cal ISO not only did not anticipate problems, it caused very major transmission lines to exceed their design limits without immediately stepping in! They allowed the system frequency to fall to very low levels (this happens when there is much more load than electricity available to serve that load).
The bottom line here is that there is an organization charged with managing a transmission system that failed to perform its basic functions. This is the same organization that FERC says should have its leadership changed and that Gov Davis of California says is just doing fine!
If the Cal ISO doesn't get its act together soon, California is likely to face some real ugly blackouts and a total the desire by other parts of the country to not be connected. These guys could bring down other parts of the west coast electricity system if they keep this up.