I use one of those in my Interositor.
Or maybe it's my Eludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
"I use one of those in my Interositor.
Or maybe it's my Eludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator."
One Saturday, they ran an old Flash Gordon
serial episode at the exchange. Flash was
using, and I'll never forget it, what he
called a 'skillioscope' (your spelling may vary).
The skillioscope was putting out code at
at about a dit or a dah per second. But
Flash was reading information out of it
as fast as he could talk. Naturally, a
movie audience composed of probably
twenty-percent radioman cracked up
long and loud. It was a hoot.
I spent eight years working in the oilfields up there in Prudhoe Bay, on the Arctic coast, and let me tell you the mosquito clouds darked the sun at times. They would get under the hem of my pants and bite any flesh they could find as they crawled up my legs. I have never seen any that were more blood thirsty.