I've actually visited Egypt as a tourist. Visited some of archeological sites and the Museum in Cairo. I noticed a peculiarity on some of the pillars and monuments that there would be a blanked-out spot in between the heiroglyphics. I asked one of the guides about and he stated that the blank spots on the different artifacts had been where the name of Moses was but had been erased when he fled Egypt.
Hieroglyphic white-out?
Thutmoses III hated his mother Hatshepsut who put him under house arrest as a baby and ruled Egypt as a man. When he broke away from her control he killed her and his hatred for her was so great that he went about erasing all things related to her. Scholars today know more about her than most Pharoahs. Thutmoses was not a fool to botch a job. Thutmoses III turned out to be one of the greatest Pharoahs ever to rule Egypt. So the Moses was erased theory is 50% on track. Yes the Egyptians did erase those they hated but scholars were able to find everyone erased.