Second, please send all donation offers to my private E-Mail, EBUCK@KEEPANDBEARARMS.COM, I won't be responding right away but I will keep them all. Once I get the account set up I'll reply to all with detailed instructions. The reason for the wait is this, I really don't want to screw this up. There is going to be a lot of money involved and I need to make sure that it gets handled correctly.
I have been advised to create a business name and business bank account. However there doesn't seem to be enough time to get all that going, get my "real" work done and get the BB up (who knows how long it takes to get the ABN thru the gov). So here is what I have decided on. I'm going to open the P.O. Box and a separate bank account under my name Monday. I will start collecting donations as soon as these two are done. I will store donations in that account until I get the ABN at which time I'll create the business account and transfer all funds. Sound good?
Lastly. With only one day of solicitation I've received promises for nearly $250!!! Which is great but it seems that we'll probably exceed the BB costs. What to do with the leftovers? More BB's? Donate to Private Property funds? The uses are endless.