VA, yours is a false premise and characterization:
Many who crash the border are not good, nor do they come here to work and build this country. The composition of those crashing the US/Mexican border has a statistically large fraction of drug smugglers, violent felons, and aspiring welfare recipients. How are we to distinguish which is which without border control? Is it not our right to prevent criminals from entering the nation?
If that is our right, how do you propose to screen those who cross the border without restricting their ingress? If that is our right, how do you propose to screen those who are already here? Amnesty? It is obvious that you have no such intent.
The opinions of those who crash the border are also instructive. A majority believe that the Southwestern US rightly belongs to Mexico. They are therefore hostile agents of a foreign government. Why do you then believe that they should be offered amnesty unless you see an advantage to yourself thereby? How would such advantage be gained other than by violating the rights of current residents of that region?
Here therefore you betray your tacit intent: to personally profit by political power at the expense of the rest of us. Your argument is indeed a racist Trojan Horse in the purest sense and deserves the contempt for its dishonesty it so richly deserves.