We had an article in the Mod Bee from a FResno Bee writer telling how dangerous the ozone level is without the benefit of the wind blowing.
Isn't this the same ozone that FREON was/is destoying and thus had to be banned? Perhaps a bit of false science somewhere along the line?
A bit off topic, but you know me... A little controversy now and then. :^)
Yes, it is wonderful! I swear I can "feel" autumn in the air. It got down right cold here last night. :-)
Isn't this the same ozone that FREON was/is destroying and thus had to be banned? Perhaps a bit of false science somewhere along the line?
LOL! Perhaps. Now, I am confused, is the OZONE layer good, or bad? Should we try to destroy it, or should we try to preserve? I think we need another scientific study. LOL!