For the sake of the Lord- we prodded him into invading Iran in 1980 to contain Radical Islam remember! He was our good guy then! And when he went off the farm and invaded Kuwait we swatted him down but left him in place because we feared the Shites would take over (and we wept alot of crocodile tears over that when we allowed the Republican Guards to crush the revolt we had encouraged.)
Sadaam is not a major supporter of terrorism (The money he gives to the families of suicide bombers in Palestine is propaganda designed to negate the growing Islamic Radicalism in his own coutnry. Does anyone care about the nature of his regime and why we valued it in the first place as a friend just 12 years ago? Invading Iraq has zero to do with defeating Radical Islam, Al Queda, or 9/11 and everything to do with some policy wonk notions of "national greatness". I don't think even Isreal really wants to see Sadaam go.
Much truth here. But he is also likely to be a man hell-bent on revenge (given his profile and his culture). His attempt to assassinate Bush 41 only serves to help confirm this. His own death may not mean that much to him, compared with the possibilities for revenge (particularly since he's already an old man with a country full of lethal enemies). An truly evil man hell-bent on revenge with weapons of mass destruction is worth the the week or two you believe would be necessary to remove him.