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The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource [19th Revision]
Free Republic and various other websites. | 2002-08-13 | Junior et al

Posted on 08/13/2002 8:15:05 AM PDT by Junior

Working Theory of Evolution    Working Theory of Creationism

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The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource [19th Revision]

Burning up the FreeRepublic since June 1999

Revision Date:  2002-06-13

"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup." 


Working Theory of Evolution (contributed by Physicist)

At some finite time in the past, life began somehow. (How it began is beyond the scope of the theory, but the observational evidence strongly suggests that only one such beginning on Earth has left descendants to the present day.) As life reproduces and multiplies, mutations occur with small but finite probabilities, causing new genes to be added, and creating new alleles of existing genes. The different alleles confer different traits upon their owners, rendering them more or less successful in coping with their environments. The organisms that are more successful in coping with their environments consequently have a slightly greater probability of passing their genes to the next generation of organisms than do the less successful organisms. This causes allele frequencies to change over time.

Because mutations are random according to their probabilities, there is essentially a zero probability that two non-interbreeding populations will get the same set of mutations. (Even if they somehow do, there is essentially a zero probability that the frequencies of the alleles will end up the same in both populations.) The alleles and new genes available in each population will therefore diverge, with the result that the populations become genetically more distant from each other over time. Eventually, the two populations will become genetically so distant that they lose the ability to produce viable hybrids between them. This is the cause of the origin of species.

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
Theodosius Dobzhansky (1973)


Working Theory of Creationism

Gen 1:1-31
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.  4And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness.  5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.  6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.  7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament: and it was so.  8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.  9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry [land] appear: and it was so.  10And God called the dry [land] Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that [it was] good.  11And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, [and] the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed [is] in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.  12And the earth brought forth grass, [and] herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed [was] in itself, after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.  13And the evening and the morning were the third day.  14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:  15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.  16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also.  17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,  18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that [it was] good.  19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.  20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl [that] may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.  21And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.  22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.  23And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.  24And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.  25And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that [it was] good.  26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.  27So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.  28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.  29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.  30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so.  31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Gen 2:1-25
1Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.  2And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.  3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.  4These [are] the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,  5And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and [there was] not a man to till the ground.  6But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.  7And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.  8And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.  9And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  10And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.  11The name of the first [is] Pison: that [is] it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where [there is] gold;  12And the gold of that land [is] good: there [is] bdellium and the onyx stone.  13And the name of the second river [is] Gihon: the same [is] it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia.  14And the name of the third river [is] Hiddekel: that [is] it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river [is] Euphrates.  15And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.  16And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:  17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.  18And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.  19And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought [them] unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that [was] the name thereof.  20And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.  21And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;  22And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.  23And Adam said, This [is] now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.  24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.  25And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

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Skeletal Remains May Be 11,000 Years Old (Lake Jackson, Texas) (2002-08-09)

Creation/Evolution in the News (2002-08-10)

Link/Thread Alphabetical Index

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

*Mentions The Ultimate Creation vs. Evolution Resource (we're becoming famous!)


2nd Law of Thermodynamics, The

6 days of Creation: Days or Ages?, The

20 Answers from an Evolutionist {Russell Stewart}

20 Questions for Evolutionists (2000-01-22)

20 Ways the World Could End (2000-10-01)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (9 & 10) (2001-03-16)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (11 & 12) (2001-03-20)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (13 & 14) (2001-03-28)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (17 and 18) (2001-04-07)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #19, 20, 2 (2001-05-20)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #22, 23, 24 (2001-05-24)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution, Thread The Next (2001-04-02)

30 Proofs & Predictions of Creationism/I.D. #1, #2, #3 (2001-05-26)

50 Reasons to Leave Evolutionism

100 Scientists, National Poll Challenge Darwinism (2001-09-26)

911 Rang Again - A review of the PBS Video Series Evolution (2001-10-17)

12,000-Year-Old Human Hair DNA (2001-10-30)

300,000-Year-Old Site In Brazil

AAbiogenesis: The First Frontier (2002-03-23)


African Artifacts Suggest an Earlier Modern Human (2001-12-01)

African Artifacts Suggest Earlier Modern Man (Cave Dwelling Man Used Tools) (2001-12-01)

African Elephants Are Now One of Two Kinds [Elephant Evolution] (2001-08-24)

Alabama to Continue Biology Textbook Warning Sticker (2001-11-10)

All Aboard the Meteor Express of Life (2001-03-17)

All About Archaeopteryx {Chris Nedin, Talk Origins, January 15, 1999}

All Forms of Science Designed for Discussion (1999-11-22)

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Medicine: Hypothesis Concerning Soul Substance Together with Experimental Evidence of The Existence of Such Substance

American Neanderthal? (2002-01-21)

Amino Acid Found in Deep Space (2002-07-18)

An Issue That Won't Go Away (C/E Vanity/Notes) (2000-02-02)

Anatomy of Pterosaurs, The

Ancient Fossils Suggest Fuse for Cambrian Explosion (2001-07-20)

Animal Behavior: You Can Learn a Lot From a Featherhead. {Popular Science}

Another Hovind debate report.

Another Jolt for Evolution Theory (2000-10-08)

Another Lost Generation? (2000-10-10)

Another Massive Anti-Creationism Mega Site (Links, Links, Links) (1999-11-25)

Another Massive Anti-Creationism Mega Site (Thread 2) (1999-11-28)

Another Massive Anti-Creationism Mega Site (Thread 3) (1999-11-30)

Answers In Genesis

Antarctic Seafloor Core Suggests Earth's Orbital Oscillations May Be The Key To What Controlled Ice (2001-10-17)

Antichaos and Adaptation {Stuart A. Kauffman, Scientific American}

Anti-E's Face Arrest for Lawyering Without a License (2001-02-15)

Anti-Evolutionist Michael Denton Turns into an Evolutionist (1999-11-14)

'Anti-freeze' Chemical Found in Milky Way (2002-04-15)

Aquinas and the Big Bang (1999-10-23)

Archaeology Does prove the Bible is Accurate (1999-10-29)

Archaeological Cover-Ups -- A Plot to Control History? (2002-04-08)

Archaeopteryx FAQs, The {Chris Nedin, Talk Origins, 1995-1997}

Archaeopteryx's Relationship With Modern Birds {Thomas Holtz, Jr., 1995}


Archimedes Plutonium

Are the Odds Against the Origin of Life Too Great to Accept? {Richard Carrier, The Philosophical Scientist, 2000)

Are You a Quack?

Arguments We Think Creationists Should Not Use {Answers in Genesis}

Arkansas Legislative Panel Urges Evolution Ban (2001-03-21)

Arthropod Evolution (Slide Show)

Arthur C. Clark's Views on Creationism (1999-11-06)

Ascent of Racism

Astonishing Skull Found in Africa (2002-07-10)

Astronomers Hope to Find E.T. in Next 25 Years (2002-07-16)

Astronomical Pseudo-Science: A Skeptic's Resource List (Version 2.3; May 2001) {The Astronomical Society of the Pacific)

Astronomy Supplement 25: Exobiology {October 26, 1998}

Atheism is Dead (2001-08-30)

Atheism of the Gaps, The (2001-09-30)

Aves:  Fossil Record  {U. C. Berkley}

Ayn Rand and Objectivism

BBaby Dinosaur From Italy With Guts Preserved {University of Bristol}

Bacteria brought back to life after 250 million years (2000-10-18)

Bad News for Radiometric Dating (2000-05-16)

Bat Facts {Smithsonian Institution}

Bats May Have Invented Flight Twice (At Least!) {Science Frontiers Online, May-June 1986}

Bats Push the Limits of Sonar {Elizabeth Pennisi, October 19, 1998} 


Before the Big Bang (2001-04-10)

Beginnings of Life on Earth, The {Christian de Duve, American Scientist, September-October 1995}

Behe, biochemistry, and the invisible hand

Behe's Book

Belief in Evolution drove Hitler to what the Nazi's did!! (1999-11-20)

Belief in Evolution Made Hitler Do What He Did (2000-01-10)

Berkeley's Radical An Interview with Phillip E. Johnson (2002-05-29)

Best in Breed (2002-01-28)

Beware Evolutionists! (2000-02-10)

Bible Is a Textbook of Science, The

Bible Written by Different Writers at Different Times for Different People (2001-12-06)

Biblical Creation Society

Biological Case Against Race, The (2002-06-04)

Biologists Uncover Darwin's ‘Missing Evidence’ for Divergence of Species in a Warbler's Song (2001-01-19)

Biology and Evolutionary Theory {Talk Origins}

Bird Brains

Bird Evolution: A Theropod Legacy  {Justin Hall}

Black Holes in Space Don't Support Evolution (2000-05-07)

Black Sea Findings Support Biblical Legends of Floods (2001-10-01)

Bombardier Beetles and the Argument of Design

Bone to Pick: Missing Link is Evolutionists' Weakest, A (2002-07-29)

Boneyard of Dead 20th Century Theories II (2001-07-23)

Brain Circuitry Involved in Language Reveals Differences in Man, Non-Human Primates (2001-09-05)

Brain Imaging Study Sheds Light on Moral Decision-Making (2001-09-13)

Branch in Feather Evolution, A {Academic Press: Daily InScight, 7 March 2001}

Britons '200,000 Years Earlier Than First Thought' (2001-12-24)

Bruce Lipton, Cells and Computer components etc.

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 1] (2001-06-09)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 2] (2001-06-09)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 3] (2001-06-09)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 4] (2001-06-12)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 5] (2001-06-14)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 6] (2001-06-15)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 7] (2001-06-17)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 8] (2001-06-19)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 9] (2001-06-19)

Bye Bye Darwin [Part 10] (2001-06-23)


Calico Early Man Archaeological Site

Can Darwin Replace Marx? [Book Review] (2001-12-15)

Carbon-14 and the Age of the Earth (1999-11-24)

Carboniferous Human Bones -- An Evaluation

Case Against Darwin, The (2001-02-21)

Case Against Darwin, The (Thread III) (2001-02-22)

Case Study in a "Great" Anti-Creationist Article, A (2000-01-21)

Catastrophic Floods Built Grand Canyon (2002-07-20)


Cell Intelligence

Cells: Origins

Cells Reprogram in 24 Hours (2002-04-21)

Center for Renewal of Science and Culture

Center for Scientific Creation

Cheered by Bigots, Scientific India Takes 'Giant Leap Backward' (2001-09-18)

Chinese Fossil Shows Early Birds Supped on Seeds (2002-07-25)

Chordates and the Evolution of the Craniata {University of Miami, April 1, 1997}

Christian Answers Network

Christian Apologetics

Christian Roots of Modern Science, The (2000-09-06)

Christian Understanding of Intelligent Design, A (2001-01-13)

Chuck Darwin's Family: Social Clymers and Worse

Clear Evidence for Creation (2002-01-10)

Cloned Intelligence the Key to Immortality (2000-01-18)

Closer Look at the Genome’s ‘Black Holes,' A

Clown Prince of Astrophysics, The

Collective Electrodynamics

College Rejected for Teaching Creationism (2002-05-10)

Common Ancestry Of Monkeys, Apes And Humans

Common Creationist Arguments (2002-03-08)

Common Creationist Arguments - Morality (2002-03-10)

Common Creationist Arguments - Pseudoscience (2002-03-13)

Common Questions:  Mammal-Like Reptiles

Comparing Origins Belief and Moral Views (1999-10-19)

Complete Idiot's Guide To Understanding Evolution, The

Computer Modeling of the Large-Scale Tectonics Associated with the Genesis Flood (2000-05-17)

Computer Models of Evolution (2000-05-17)

Computers that Improve Themselves (2001-04-11)

Concepts of Modern Astrology: a Critique, The {Ivan W. Kelly, University of Saskatchewan, Canada}

Conservatives, Darwin & Design: An Exchange (2002-01-01)

Controversial Fossil Claimed to Sink Dinosaur-Bird Link

Cosmic Catastrophe 'A Certainty' (2002-05-09)

Cosmic Soot and Organic Asteroids {Science Frontiers Online, May-Jun 1993}

County of the Scopes Trial Is Told To Halt Bible Classes in Schools (2002-02-09)

Crackpot Index, The


Creation Education Center

Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia

Creation/Evolution Debate: Solved! (2001-08-16)

Creation and the Candidates (2000-03-03)

Creation and the Curriculum Czars: Jon Dougherty Looks at Evolution's Classroom Monopoly (2001-08-09)

Creation/Evolution in the News (2002-08-10)

Creation Ex-Nihilo 22(1) (1999-12-14)

Creation - Holographic Universe...An Open Discussion On Existing (2002-01-14)

Creation Humor All FReepers Will Enjoy :-) (1999-11-24)

Creation Research Society

Creation Science (2001-09-04)

Creation "Science" Debunked

Creation vs.*

Creation vs. Evolution in England State School (2002-03-09)

Creationism and Creation Science (2002-01-14)

Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics [Thread 1] (2001-05-27)

Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics [Thread 2] (2001-05-28)

Creationism & Darwinism, Politics & Economics [Thread 3] (2001-05-29)

Creationism: Bad Science or Immoral Pseudoscience?

Creationism and Pseudo Science

Creationism in Schools - A Poll (1999-10-12)

Creationism is Correct - Part 1

Creationism is Correct - Part 2

Creationism: the Hindu View

Creationism's Success Past 5 Years: (Gallup: 1 in 10 hold secular evolutionist perspective) (1999-11-14)

Creationist Argument from Forgery Refuted, The

Creationist Argument from Hoatzin Refuted, The

Creationist Arguments: Nebraska Man

Creationist Geologic Time Scale: an attack strategy for the sciences

Creationist Instructor Likely Will Lose His Job (2000-03-29)

Creationist Mindblocks to Whale Evolution"

Creationist School Holds Evolution Debate (2002-04-09)

Creationist Site Says: "Mac Users, You Are Godless Communists!" (2002-04-23)

"Creationist Victory" in US Supreme Court (2002-06-28)

Creationists' Cartoons

(Creationists) CRSC Correction (2002-04-10)

Creationists Wrong Again (2001-10-07)

Cretigo: Bingo Game on the Crevo Threads! (2002-06-12)

Crevo & Politics: Dark Bedfellows - Postmoderns & Traditionalists Unite Against The Enlightenment (2001-02-22)

Critical Look at Creationist Paleontology, A {Creation Science and Earth History}

Cross vs. the Swastika, The (2002-01-26)

Critique of Gould

Critique of Wallace: "There are no transitional fossils," A

Current State of Creation Astronomy, The {Institute for Creation Research, August 1998}

Curve Ball into the Snowball Earth Hypothesis?, A (2001-12-03)


Dark Matter: Hidden Mass Confounds Science, Inspires Revolutionary Theories (2002-01-15)

Darwin and the Descent of Morality (2001-11-28)

Darwin at Nuremberg I

Darwin at Nuremberg II

Darwin at Nuremberg III

Darwin Papers (Jim Foard)

'Darwin Vindicated!' - Cracking of Human Genome Confirms Theory of Evolution (2001-02-22)

Darwin Would Love This Debate (2002-06-17)

Darwin's Dirty Secret (2000-03-17)

Darwin's Environment

Darwin's Hostages (1999-12-08)

Darwin's Influence on Ruthless Laissez-Faire Capitalism (2001-03-28)

Darwin's Racism

Darwin, Full Text of His Writings

Darwin, Racism, Evil

Darwinian Natural Right: the Biological Ethics of Human Nature

Darwinism in Denial? Battle Brewing Between Darwinian Materialism and Intelligent Design Movement (2001-08-22)

Darwinism Science or Religion? -- After Reading Darwin on Trial (2000-03-27)

Darwinism Under Attack (Intelligent Design Theory) (2001-12-18)

Dawkins Leads Atheist Revolt Against 'Evil' Church Schools (2001-02-26)

Dealing With "Scientific" Creationists (2000-01-21)

Debate Evolves Over Biology Lessons (2002-02-18)

Debate is Fueled on When Humans Became Human (2002-02-26)

Deciphering Protein Evolution (2002-01-14)

Deciphering Protein Evolution [Another Thread] (2002-01-14)

Dembski: No Free Lunch

Dembski on Intelligent Design

Democratization of Science, The (2002-01-08)

Descent of Man Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology (2001-07-07)

Design vs. Evolution Discussion Monday (2002-03-08)

Design Yes, Intelligent No (2002-01-01)

Designed by Natural Selection (2002-07-08)

Did Humans and Neandertals Battle for Control of the Middle East? (2002-03-08)

Did Life Drip Down From Earth's Ancient Atmosphere (2000-10-25)

Did Noah Really Need the Ark? (2001-12-11)

Dino Asteroid Led to 'Global Devastation' (2001-11-22)

Dino-Bird Evolution Falls Flat! {Answers in Genesis, March-May 1998}

Dino Data

Dino-Era Crater Probed For Clues To Mass Extinction (2002-01-24)

Dino-Era Vomit Fossil Found in England (2002-05-03)

Dinosaur Discoveries Wow Boston (Wishbone Discovery For Older Theropods) (2002-02-26)

Dinosaur Pictures: Not a Hoax (2000-02-23)

Dinosaur With Mature Feathers Uncovered in China (2002-03-06)

Dirty Little Secret of Evolution, The (2000-09-19)

Discovery In North China Challenges Theory On Origin Of Man (2001-11-11)

Discovery Institute: So-called 'Evolution vs. Creation' Issue Banned (2000-04-07)

Discovery Supports Theory Of A Single Species Of Human Ancestor (2002-03-21)

Divine Design (2000-12-30)

Divine Design (Thread II) (2000-12-31)

Divine Design (Thread III) (2001-01-03)

DNA and Darwin: Research shows that evolution repeats itself in Caribbean lizards (2001-04-07)

DNA and Other Designs (2001-12-31)

Do You Believe in Evolution? (2001-04-10)

Do You Believe in Evolution? Thread Two (2001-04-24)

Dodo Flew to Its Grave:  Ancestors of the Flightless Figurehead of Extinction Island-Hopped (2002-03-01)

Does a Global Flood Make the Whole Bible Less Credible? (2001-03-28)

Does Evolution Rule Out God's Existence? (2001-06-11)

Does the Bible Teach a Young Earth?

Dogmatic Darwinism

Don Scott's Version of Electric Sun Theory

Down With Evolution!  Creationists Changing State Educational Standards (2002-02-12)

Downside Legacy on Evolution (1999-10-14)

Downy 'Dragon' Shakes Up Theories of Bird Evolution {New Scientist, 19 Oct 1996}

Dr. Hovind's $250,000 Offer

Dr. Jack Cuozzo Responds to Dr. Colin Groves (Neanderthal) (2000-02-29)

Dromaeosaurid Archaeopteryx

Duplication Mutations


"E" is for Evolution; "F" is for Fordham (2001-01-14)

Early Clues to 'Modern' Humans (2001-11-07) 

Early Life Lasted a Little Longer {Daily InScight, June 11, 1998}

Early Marsupial Found in Madagascar

Earth "Getting Fatter" (2002-08-02)

Earth's Magnetic Field is Young, The (2000-05-17)

Eat the Poor (2001-08-01)

E.B. Wilson Lecture: The Cell as Molecular Machine

Education Board Considers Alternate Theories About Life (2002-06-13)

Effect of Darwinism on Morality and Christianity, The (2001-07-19)

Einstein's Relativity Theory Hits a Speed Bump (2002-08-08)

Electric Cosmos, The

Electric Universe

Energy/Matter & the Bible (2002-03-09) 

Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator (2001-03-31)

Enlisting Science to Find the Fingerprints of a Creator (Different Thread) (2001-08-16)

Ensatina eschscholtzi: Speciation in Progress

Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics!

Entropy Reversed (2002-07-18)

Essay #5: Sources of Knowledge (What is a Competent Source?) (1999-06-25)

Essay #6: Conclusion: Corruption, Truth and the Future of Free Republic (1999-06-28)

Evangelicals and Crackpot Science

Evidences for a Young Earth (and Universe) that's Approximately 6,000 Years Old (Not Billions)

Evidence for Dinosaur-Bird Transition, The (A Sidebar Thread) (2001-07-09)

Evidence of Earliest Life Disputed (2002-05-24)

Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] [Thread 1] (2000-05-07)

Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] [Thread 2] (2000-05-09)

Evidence for Human Evolution, The [Creationism Debunked!] [Thread 3] (2000-05-13)

Evidence of Dinosaurs in the Twentieth Century (2001-02-07)

Evidence Supports Dinosaur-Bird Evolution {How Stuff Works, August 14, 2000}

Evil-Ution (2000-08-30)

Evolution: 8-hour PBS Series to Air This Fall (2001-08-28)

Evolution: A Series on PBS tonight (2001-09-24)

Evolution and the Family: Keyes (2001-07-14)

Evolution as Anti-Science

Evolution Challenged in U.S. Schools (2002-03-11)

Evolution, Creation, First Amendment Subject of Roundtable (1999-10-29)

Evolution: Dancing on the Titanic (2001-12-03)

Evolution Debate Heats Up Kansas Politics (2000-07-26)

Evolution Debate is about Honesty, The (2001-08-11)

Evolution Deceit

Evolution Fact FAQ by Dr. M. R. Leipzig, The

Evolution Fraud in Current Biology Textbooks (2001-07-07)

Evolution: Interview with Stephen J. Gould (1999-11-04)

Evolution is Biologically Impossible (2000-05-18)

Evolution is Designed for Science Classes (2002-03-22)

Evolution is in Trouble: What Should Conservatives Do About it? (2001-08-21)

Evolution is Religion (2001-08-24)

Evolution is Religion - Not Science (2001-07-19)

Evolution of Bears, The

Evolution of Flight, The {U. C. Davis, September 7, 2001}

Evolution of Genocide, The (2001-02-04)

"Evolution of Genocide, The" -- Darwin's Heart of Darkness (2000-11-17)

Evolution of Religion, The (2002-02-13)

Evolution of the Bacterial Flagella

Evolution of Vertebrate Blood Clotting, The

Evolution or Christianity: Pick One...

Evolution - the Basis of all Life, or a Fairy Tale for Scientists Who Reject God? (2001-07-03)

Evolution Theory Faces Extinction (2001-02-13)

Evolution vs. Creation (Prediction 8) (2001-02-28)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 1] (2001-01-15) 

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 2] (2001-01-17)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 3] (2001-01-17)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 4] (2001-01-18)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 5] (2001-01-19)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 6] (2001-01-19) 

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 7] (2001-01-22)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 8] (2001-01-23)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 9] (2001-01-25)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 10] (2001-01-28)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 11] (2001-01-30) 

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 12] (2001-02-03)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 13] (2001-02-07)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 14] (2001-02-13)

Evolution vs. Creation - "The Living Word Of God" [Thread 15] (2001-02-17)

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design (2001-04-24)

Evolution vs. Science (1999-11-10)

Evolution:  What is It? (Long Article) (2002-04-04) [Locked]

Evolution's Quadrillion-Year Time Requirements

Evolutionary and Geological Timelines {Talk Origins}

Evolutionary Theory FAQ

Evolutionism Receives Another Hard Blow (2000-11-15)

Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation (2001-04-07)

Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creation (Different Thread) (2001-04-07)

Evolving Darwin Debate, The (2002-03-24)

Exercise 1-2: Chronological Methods {The University of California, December 8, 2000}

Exploring God (Creator's) Handiwork (Creation) vs. Evolution (Ignorance) (2001-08-07)

Exploring God (Creator's) Handiwork (Creation) vs. Silly-Science. (2001-08-17)

Exploring God (Creator's) Handiwork (Creation) vs. Ugly-Vain-Silly Science (Evilution) (2001-08-19)

Extent of Chernobyl Damage Questioned (2002-06-27)


Facts of Life: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism. A Review, The (2002-07-03)

Faith Can Never Conflict with Reason

Faith Facts

False Evolutionary Propaganda Blasted in Media (2000-05-09)

Famed Harvard Biologist Gould Dies (2002-05-20)

"Feathered Dinosaur" Claim Apparently a Fake (2000-01-18)

Feathers Fly Over Chinese Fossil Bird's Legality and Authenticity (2000-02-18)

Few Thousand Years the Evolutionists Actually Have, The

Fire Destroys Darwin Manuscripts (2001-10-25)

First Food: Tholin, The {Science Frontiers Online, May-June 1991}

First Genetic Evidence for Early Animal Evolution (2002-02-08)

First Light: Astronomers Use Distant Quasar to Probe Cosmic 'Dark Age,' Universe Origins (2001-08-07)

First Synthetic Virus Created (2002-07-11)

Fishy Fossil Reveals First Steps on Land (2002-07-03)

Five Crises in Evolutionary Theory, The (2002-03-13)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 1] (2001-05-07)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 2] (2001-05-08) 

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 3] (2001-05-09)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 4] (2001-05-14)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 5] (2001-05-14)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 6] (2001-05-16)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 7] (2001-05-17)

Five Major Misconceptions about Evolution [Thread 8] (2001-05-19)

Flat Earth Society Homepage!

Flat-Out Truth:  Earth Orbits? Moon Landings? A Fraud! Says This Prophet

Flood and the Earth's Age, The {Bearfabrique}

Flower of Evolution, The; the Instruction Set by Mutation Speculation (2000-01-12)

Forbidden Archeology - Human Remains All Throughout the Geologic Column, The (2000-05-15)

Formation Of New Species Proves Gradual, Not Sudden (2002-05-28)

Formation Of New Species Proves Gradual, Not Sudden (2002-05-31)

Former NASA Scientist Says Creation is "Logical" (2000-03-08)

Fossil Man:  Evolutionist-Converter Quotes from Video Lectures!

Fossil Pollen in Grand Canyon Overturns Plant Evolution (2000-05-08)

Fossil Record: Becoming More Random All the Time, The (2000-05-14)

Fossil Record: Evolution or "Scientific Creation," The [Thread 1] (2001-06-30)

Fossil Record: Evolution or "Scientific Creation," The [Thread 2] (2001-07-01)

Fossil Record: Evolution or "Scientific Creation," The [Thread 3] (2001-07-04)

Fossil Record: Evolution or "Scientific Creation," The [Thread 4] (2001-07-06)

Fossil Record: Evolution or "Scientific Creation," The [Thread 5] (2001-07-08)

Fossil Record Quote collection

Fossil Skull Fuels Debate Over Human Origin (2002-03-21)

Fossilized Proteins Help With History Of Evolution (2000-12-20)

Fossilized Soft Tissue and Other News (2002-04-04)

Fossils Challenge Theory of Rapid Animal Evolution in Cambrian

Framsticks Artificial Life - 3D Evolution and Simulation

Freeper Only Poll. Do You believe in Evolution or Creation? (2001-03-01)

Freeper Poll: "Evolution" of Opinions on FreeRepublic (1999-11-05)

Freeper Views on Origins - Patriarchs (2002-07-24)Free Society -- and Christianity? (2002-05-28)

Frequently Asked But Never Answered Questions

Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism: Revised and Expanded

Friendly Origins Debate, The (1999-11-07)

From Bearfabrique: Evolution vs. Logic

From Lucy to the Flat-Faced Man

From Molecular Movements To Nanoconstruction Tools (2002-05-08)

From Proteins to Protolife {Lipkin, Richard, Science News, July 23, 1994}

From Scientist to Saint: Does Darwin Deserve a Day? (2002-01-13)

Fundamental Theory Under Question (2001-11-18)

Fundamentalists Re-create Eden, With Dinosaurs (2002-03-09)

Funeral of a Great Myth ('Popular' Evolutionism), The (1999-11-16)


Gap Theory, The {Middletown Bible Church}

Genes Help Identify Oldest Human Population (2002-01-08)

Genesis Correctly Predicts Y-Chromosome Pattern: Jews and Arabs Shown to be Descendants of One Man! (2000-05-17)

Genesis Text: Response or Documentary?  Allegory or Narrative (2002-02-27)

Genetic Marker Tells Squash Domestication Story (2002-01-07)

Geocentricity Home Page

Getting Genesis Almost Right: Pagan Children of the Sky God (2000-05-28)

Giant Fossil Cockroach Found (2001-11-07)

Giant Rat Problem (2001-10-17)

Glaciers May Not Have Driven Modern Bird Evolution {Jeff Poling, 1997}

Glenn R. Morton's Site About Creationism's Fallacies

God and the Academy (2000-10-02)

God Hates SPAMMING Idiots!

God, Man and Physics (2002-02-19)

"God" Part of the Brain, The (2000-10-09)

God vs. Darwin: Survival of the Fittest? (Alan Keyes) (2001-07-08)

Godless Linguistics (2001-12-10)

Going Against the Flow (2002-06-24)Gould Strikes Back at Creationists (2002-04-09)

Gradual Illumination of the Mind, The [Evolution] (2002-01-20)

Gravitational Lens Helps Hubble and Keck Discover Galaxy Building Block (2001-10-08)

Gravity's Quantum Leaps Detected (2002-01-17)

Grazian Archive, The

Great Archosaur Lineage, The

Great Collection of Links

Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The [Thread I] (2000-06-10)

Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The [Thread II] (2000-06-14)

Great Creation/Evolution Debate, The [Thread III] (2000-06-19)

Great Dying 250 Million Years Ago, The (2002-01-29)


Hard Evidence Shows Life Could Have Evolved Naturally (2000-08-26)

Harvard M.D. Challenges Big Bang Theory (2000-06-07)

Has Science Replaced God? (2000-09-08)

Hellish Start for Life, A {Daily InScight, July 31, 1998}

Hidden History, Hidden Agenda

High Priest of Evolution Reveals His Religion (2000-02-04)

'Histone Code'Joins Genetic Code as Critical Determinant of Chromosomal Inheritance: Study Reveals Key Properties of Silent Versus Active DNA"

Historical Evidence Refuting a 6,000-Year Old Earth [Thread 1] (2001-04-26)

Historical Evidence Refuting a 6,000-Year Old Earth [Thread 2] (2001-04-27)


Home School Expedition Uncovers Rare Allosaur and Giant Sauropod (2002-05-23)

Hominid Succession, The (2001-01-16)

Horse Evolution {Talk Origins}

House Rejects Effort to Brand Darwin a Racist (2001-05-09)

How Can Evolution Cause Irreducibly Complex Systems? {29 June 2000}

How Close Are Scientists to Knowing the Origin of Life on Earth? When, If Ever, Will We be Able to Explain the Origin of Life in Purely Scientific Terms?  {Karuppiah Chockalingam, Scientific American}

How Closely Related Are Humans to Apes and Other Animals? [Thread 1] (2001-04-23)

How Closely Related Are Humans to Apes and Other Animals? [Thread 2] (2001-04-24)

How Closely Related Are Humans to Apes and Other Animals? [Thread 3] (2001-04-25)

How Could An Eye Evolve?

How Different Are We? {The Atlantic Online, 2001}

How Females Choose Their Mates (2002-03-13)

How Good Are Those Young-Earth Arguments?

How Life Emerged

How Not to Defend Evolution (2001-08-29)

How Scientific is Evolution? [Thread 1] (2001-02-23)

How Scientific is Evolution? [Thread 2] (2001-02-27)

How Scientific is Evolution? [Thread 3] (2001-03-25)

How Still Not to Debate Intelligent Design (Liars for Evolution) (2002-01-10)

Human Ancestor Australopithecus Did Indeed Walk Upright (2002-04-04)

Humanity’s Greatest Calamity: An Ancient Flood Changed the Course of Civilization (2001-08-31)

Humans Descended From Cells Without Nuclei Or Walls [evo, con't] (2001-11-13)

Hundreds Gather for Evolution-'Intelligent Design' Discussion (2002-03-13)

IIce Oceans Found on Mars (2002-05-26)

["Icons of Evolution"] Premiere Evolves into Protest (2002-05-20)

ICR Compares Terrorist Attacks to PBS Series "Evolution" (2001-11-02)


I’m Tired of These Atheists’ Knocking on My Door Holding the Book of Darwin (2002-02-28)

Immanuel Velikovsky

In Defense of Evolution (2000-01-17)

In Response to all the Evolution vs. Creation Threads... (2001-02-14)

In the Stars: Astrological Institute Wins Accreditation (2001-08-28)

Inherit the Spin: Creation Evolution (1999-07-26)

Inherit the Wind: a Historical Analysis

Institute for Creation Research

Intelligent Design? (Another School Board Disclaimers Evolution) (2002-05-23)

Intelligent Design as a Theory of Technological Evolution (2001-01-01)

Intelligent Design Bibliography Misleading (2002-04-05)

'Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics:' Supernatural Selection (2002-04-14)

Intelligent Design Is Creationism in a Cheap Tuxedo (2002-07-01)

Intelligent Design Network

Intelligent Design: the New Stealth Creationism (2000-10-12)

‘Intelligent Design’ Theory Is Not Creationism (2001-08-23)

International Flat Earth Society, The

Introduction to the Archaean

Irreducible Complexity and Michael Behe {Talk Origins}

Is Evolution "Anti-Religion"? It Depends... (2001-01-29)

Is Evolution Science?

Is "Flat-Faced Man" Your Ancestor? (New Thread) (2001-03-25)

Is Human Evolution Finally Over? (2002-02-02)

Is Quantum Evolution the New Science of Life? (2000-02-05)

Is the Blood Clotting Cascade Irreducibly Complex?

Is the Earth Young?

Is the Raqiya‘ (Firmament) a Solid Dome? (1999-11-23)

Is the Young-Earth Interpretation Biblical?

Is This the Real Noah's Ark, Found at Last?  They Mystery of the "Ararat Anomaly" (2002-04-16)

Isaac Asimov's Views on Creationism (1999-11-07)

Isotope Dating Methods Found Flawed (2000-05-09)


Jack Chick (Making the Truth Simple Enough for Evolutionists and other Feebs...)

Johnson Challenges Advocates of Evolution (1999-10-27)

Jurassic Quark


Kansas School Board in Topeka votes to ignore valid scientific doubts on evolution in 7-3 decision (2001-02-14)

Kenosha Dig Points to Europe as Origin of First Americans (2002-03-04)

Key West Is Tiring of Chickens in Road (2002-01-27)

Kronia Group

LLava Blamed for Ancient Animal Deaths (2002-06-10)

Lawyers Defend Teaching of Intelligent-Design Theory (2000-01-09)

Leaked PBS Memo Reveals Improper Political Agenda (2001-09-27)

Learning About the Vendian Animals

Liberal School Board Wins Fight Against the Truth (2001-08-17)

Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics, and Probability of Abiogenesis Calculations

Life32v1.11 - Conway's Game of Life

Life Can Go On Forever (2002-05-28)

Life Found on Margin of Existence (2002-03-05)

Life, Life Everywhere {Scientific American}

Life on Earth Began at Least 3.85 Billion Years Ago, 400 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought, Scientists Say {NASA, November 6, 1996} 

Life on Mars Hopes Raised (2002-04-05)

Life on Other Planets? Vatican Aide Ponders The Possibility (2002-01-09)

Life's Grand Design (2002-07-23)

Light Exceeds Its Own Speed Limit, or Does It? (2000-05-30)

Links for Paleobotanists

Links on Complexity, Self-organization and Artificial Life

List of Fallacious Arguments, A

Logophobia: Eric Voegelin on Scientism (1999-11-25)

Looking for Madam Tetrachromat (2000-11-28)

Loopholes in the Evolutionary Theory of the Origin of Life: Summary (2000-05-19)

Louisiana Calls Darwin a Racist (2001-05-04)

Low-Energy Nuclear Transmutation Kit, Model 1

Luminescence Dating at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art {RLAHA, May 29, 1999}

Lynching of Bill Dembski, The (2000-12-03)


Macroevolution {John Wilkins, Talk Origins, 1997}

Macro-Evolution versus Moses (Several Parts) (1999-12-14)

Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The [Part I] (2000-03-16)

Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The [ Part II] (2000-04-02)

Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The [ Part III] (2000-04-11)

Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution For It Involves Conception of Man {Pope John Paul II, 22 October 1996}

Malthus and Evolutionists

Mammal-like Reptiles and the First Mammals

Man or Gorilla? Scientist Questions Skull Theory (2002-07-12)

Mars Odyssey Detects Signs of Water (2001-12-14)

Marvel of God's Creation: the Bombardier Beetle (2001-08-23)

Marvel of God's Creation: the Incubator Bird (2001-08-26)

Massive Mega-Site with Thousands of Links on Evolution, Creationism, Young Earth, etc.

Medieval Black Death Was Probably Not Bubonic Plague (2002-04-15)

Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design (2000-04-05)

Message Theory/Remine

Methuselah Gene: Who Wants to Live Forever, The (2002-02-07)

Meteorite Study Finds No Trace of Life on Mars (2000-03-02)

Michael Cremo and Forbidden Archaeology

Microscopic Bone Evidence Supports Dinosaur-Bird Evolution Link {Science Daily, August 10, 2000}

Micro vs. Macroevolution

Mind and Works of Ted Holden, The

Mishipishu, the Water Panther {Bearfabrique} 

Missing-Link Fossil Wasn't a Fish -- It Has a Pelvis (2002-07-04)

Modern History Sourcebook: The Crime of Galileo: Indictment and Abjuration of 1633 {Paul Halsall, July 1998, rev. January 1999}

Molecular "Fossils" of Early Life {Yale University, January 31, 1999}

Mongolian Fossil Sheds Light on Bird Evolution {Scientific American, January 2001}

Monkey Business:  the New Revolution Against Evolution (2001-08-14)

Monkey Say, Monkey Do (Wild Chimps Teach Others to Use Tools, Probably Planning Takeover) (2002-05-24)

Monkey Trial Marks 75th Anniversary (2000-07-18)

More Evolution — Movies For Giraffes (2000-09-13)

More Problems for Evolution: RNA World Theory Doesn't Hold Up (2001-08-01)

Mungo Man Older than Thought

Mungo Man vs. Mitochondrial Eve

Mysteries from the Depths of Time:  The Coso Artifact {Pierre Stromberg and Paul Heinrich, May 31, 2000}

Myth of Chemical Evolution, The (2000-05-19)

Monkey Business:  the New Revolution Against Evolution (2001-08-14)


NASA Shows New 'Baby Pictures' Images of Infant Universe [Thread I] (2000-04-27)

NASA Shows New 'Baby Pictures' Images of Infant Universe [Thread II] (2000-05-01)

National Geographic and the Stone Age Swindle (2000-02-11)

Natural Selection an Agency of Stasis, not Change

Natural Selection Drives Rapid Evolution … Irrefutable Evidence [Thread I] (2001-03-09)

Natural Selection Drives Rapid Evolution … Irrefutable Evidence [Thread II] (2001-03-09)

Natural Selection Drives Rapid Evolution … Irrefutable Evidence [Thread III] (2001-03-13)

Neanderthals 'Mated With Modern Humans'

Neanderthals Not Human Ancestors

Neanderthals 'Used Violence" (2002-04-23)

Neutrality Versus the Niche (2002-06-04)

New Cellular Evolution Theory Rejects Darwinian Assumptions (Actual Title) (2002-06-17)

New Chemical Scenario For How Life Emerged On Earth (2002-06-20)

New Cosmology Theory Shows Universe 6,000 Years Old! (2000-05-13)

New Details on Planetary Crash That Created Moon (2001-08-15)

New Dinosaur Fossil Ruffles Feathers (2001-04-25)

New DNA Clues to Neanderthals

New Evidence: Lucy Was a Knuckle-Walker (2000-05-07)

New Evidence for Multi-Regional Origins (2001-09-05)

New Evidence of Early Humans Unearthed in Russia's North (2001-09-06)

New Evidence We All Have the Same Ancestor: Cal Student's Discovery Should Resolve Dispute (2002-03-22)

New Look at an Old Earth, A

New Out-of-Africa Theory Unveiled (2002-02-27)

New Picture of the Early Universe; Microwave Imager Probes Universe "First Light" to Answer..., A (2002-05-24)

New Species Clarifies Bird-Dinosaur Link (2002-02-14)

New Theory Of The Evolution Of Bird Flight Linked To Parental Care (2002-01-30)

New Theory on Big Bang (2002-01-10)

New Theory Suggests Start of Universe (2002-01-09)

New Word in Life's Lexicon (2002-05-28)

No Evidence Of New Neurons In Adult Primate Neocortex (2001-12-10)

No Poultry Fate for This 4-Legged Chicken! (2002-01-16)

Noah's Flood and the Mount Isa Metal Deposits (2000-05-14)

Non-Moving Earth & Anti-Evolution Web Page, The

Not-So-Intelligent Design (2002-03-02)

Now It's Ohio Debating Darwinism (2002-02-06)

OObjective: Creation Education (2002-04-22)

Objective: Creation Education (2002-04-23)

Observed Instances of Speciation {Joseph Boxhorn, Talk Origins, September 1, 1995}

Odds Are Stacked When Science Tries to Debate Pseudoscience (2002-04-29)

Of Mousetraps and Men {Niall Shanks & Karl H. Joplin, East Tennessee State University}

'Oldest flower' found in China (2002-05-03)

Oldest Member of Human Family Found (2002-07-11)

On Creation Science and "Transitional Fossils"  {Tim Thompson}

On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread I] (2000-01-10)

On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread II] (2000-01-12)

On Drawing Connections Between Darwinism & Communism [Thread III] (2000-01-12)

One Giant Step for Mankind (Evolution alert) (2001-07-15)

One Hundred Years of Evolution Progress (2001-08-26)

Open Letter from Smithsonian to Nat. Geo. Society on Dino-Bird Claims (1999-11-09)

Oppressed by Evolution (Long) (2001-05-12)

Origin of Information, The (2000-10-25)

Origin of Sex: Cosmic Solution to Ancient Mystery, The (2001-07-11)

Origin of Species is Traced to Pond Life (2001-12-18)

Origin of the Specious: Why do Neo-Conservatives Doubt Darwin? (2000-03-11)

Origins and Early Evolution of Life, The {January 1996}

Origins of Life Links

Origin of Life on Earth, The {Leslie E. Orgel}

Origin of Life: the Early Atmosphere {Creation Science}

Other Earths: Are They Out There ??? (2001-01-23)

Our African Ancestry: Puzzling Over Human Origins (2002-08-08)

Our Biotech Future (2001-01-26)

Our Species Mated With Other Human Species, Study Says (2002-03-06)


Paleolithic Diet and Its Modern Implications, The (2002-03-07)

Paleontologists Find Jurassic Mammal Fossil in South America (2002-03-13)

Panel Labels Evolution as Theory (2001-03-22)

Panel Weighs Science-Standard Bill (Evolution vs. Intelligent Design) (2002-03-06)

Part 8: Illuminati Cover-Up - Proof: Bible is Fact! (2001-08-29)

Patterns of Speciation [ICR]

PBS Series on Evolution Tiptoes Over Tough Issues, Ignores Others (2001-09-23)

Peppered Moths and Evolution and Lippard's Changing Their Spots (2002-07-23)

Phillip Johnson was Right: the Unhappy Evolution of Darwinism (2001-03-06)

Phillip Johnson's Page

Phylogeny of Life {UCMP Exhibit Halls}

Phylum Level Evolution

'Piltdown' Bird Fake Explained (2001-03-29)

Pitfalls of Evolutionary Anthropology (2000-02-28)

Plagiarized Errors and Molecular Genetics (2001-06-23)

Plantae: Fossil Record

*Please* Use Extreme Caution In Messing With the Speed of Light -- Perils of CDK (2000-02-29)

Pope's Take on "Evolution," The (2000-03-22) 

Population and Evolutionary Genetics

Possible Key Step In The Origin Of Life Identified [Thread 1] (2001-05-01)

Possible Key Step In The Origin Of Life Identified [Thread 2] (2001-05-02)

Prayer Doubles IVF Success Rate (2001-10-05)

Prebiological Chemistry in Titan's Atmosphere {Science Frontiers Online, Jan-Feb 1987}

Primate Ancestor Lived With Dinos (2002-04-18)

Primordial Air May Have Been "Breathable" (2002-01-09)

Prions May Play Crucial Role In Evolution (2000-09-28)

Probability of Abiogenesis, The

Problematic Chemical Postulates of the RNA World Scenario (2001-03-07)

Process of Speciation, The {University of Michigan, 1996}

Professor Sir Fred Hoyle [Obituary] (2001-08-21)

Progressive Creationism (2002-01-08)

Project Gutenberg

Pro-Evolution/Anti-Creationism Resources

Proofs of Evolution Examined - Answers to My Evolutionist Friends (Excerpt) (2002-08-07)Prove Evolution: Win $250,000! (2002-05-02)

Punctuate the Equilibrium Now!!! Creation, Evolution - a New Thread (2000-01-23)

Punctuated Equilibrium Example: Some Dinosaurs

Pushing the Second Law to the Limit (2002-07-17)


Quantum Intelligence in the Universe?

Questions for Evolutionists (2001-03-20)

Question for Creationists, A (2002-02-05)

Question for Evolutionists, A (2002-02-03)

Questioning the Big Bang (2002-04-25)

Quiz: Are You Ted Holden?

Quotations and Misquotations:  Why Creationist Quotes are Not Valid Evidence Against Evolution


Radioactive Age Estimation Methods -- Flawed (2000-05-11)

Radioactive Dating Gives False Dates (2000-05-08)

Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective {Dr. Roger C. Wiens}

Raelians, The

Real Ideological Root of Terrorism - Darwinism and Materialism, The (2001-10-05) 

Reality of Ancient Catastrophism, The (2001-11-07)

Reasons to Believe: the Argument from Design [Thread I] (2000-08-24)

Reasons to Believe: the Argument from Design [Thread II] (2000-08-24)

Reasons to Believe: the Argument from Design [Thread III] (2000-08-27)

Recent Scientific Papers on ALH 8400

Recently Found "Ape-Men" are Nothing More than Apes, Regardless of Media-Hype (2000-05-08)

Recycled Universe (the infinite cycle in which our current universe is but a phase), A (2002-02-11)

Redheads 'Are Neanderthal' (2001-04-17)

Refuting the Dinosaur-to-Bird Myth {The Young Earth Creation Club, Johnathan D. Sarfati, PhD., F. M.}

Religion in the Science Class? Why Creationism/Intelligent Design Don't Belong (So Sayeth the ADL) (2002-03-27)

Religion Tooday (AP's Title) (2002-03-14)

Report on a Hovind Debate

Report: Sex Helps U.S. Ditch Bad Genetic Baggage (2001-10-18)

Researchers Discover Fossil Of Tiny Mammal From Early Jurassic (2001-05-25)

Researchers Uncover Brain Patterns That Differentiate Humans From Chimpanzees (2002-04-11)

Response to Ted Holden's Question about Water on Mars

Review: "Darwin's Black Box"

Rick Santorum and rest of Intelligent Design Crowd Get Ahead of Themselves (2002-03-25)

Ridiculing Kansas School Board Easy, but it's not Good Journalism (1999-10-27)

Road to Saturn, The (2001-03-15)

Rock Layers Formed in Hours not Millions of Years! (2000-05-14)


Rule by Secrecy: the Hidden History of the Trilateral Commission, Freemasons, & the Great Pyramids (2000-06-02)

Rupert Sheldrake, Morphogenic fields, resonances etc.

Russell Turpin's "Characterization of Quack Theories"

Radioactive Age Estimation Methods -- Flawed (2000-05-11)


Sadly, an Honest Creationist (2001-12-29)

Santorum Amendment Stripped from Education Bill (2001-12-31)

Satellites Search for Noah’s Ark (2001-08-24)

Saturnian Org

Saving Us From Darwin [Multiple Book Review] (2001-09-20)

Science & Creationism: Frequently Asked Questions (2000-04-18)

Science and Religion are Compatible (2000-01-18)

Science and Religion:  Lessons from History (2002-02-02)

Science Design Kit

Science Hasn't Killed God (1999-12-30)

Science, Scripture, and the Saviour

Science Shows Cave Art Developed Early (2001-10-03)

Science vs. Anti-Science [Creation "Science" Exposed!] [Thread 1] (2001-08-20)

Science vs. Anti-Science [Creation "Science" Exposed!] [Thread 2] (2001-08-22)

Science vs. Science (2000-02-18)

Scientific American Threatens AIG: Demands Immediate Removal of Web Rebuttal (2002-07-11)

Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth, A [Thread I] (2001-08-26)

Scientific Account of the Origin of Life on Earth, A [Thread II] (2001-08-30)

Scientific Boehner: The New Creationism and the Congressmen Who Support It. (2002-06-05)

Scientific Case Against Evolution, The (2001-08-20)

Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary, The Part I (2001-07-19)

Scientific Case Against Evolution: A Summary, The Part II (2001-07-19)

"Scientific Creationism," Evolution, and Race (2000-02-02)

Scientists At The Weizmann Institute Propose A New Theory To The Mystery Of The Origin Of Life (2000-06-05)

Scientists Build Deadly Polio Virus From Scratch (Ebola or Smallpox Next?) (2002-07-11)Scientists Discover New Insects (2002-04-17)

Scientists Discover Second Genus of Early Human (2001-03-21)

Scientists Find Ancient Rainforest (2002-06-28)

Scientists Find Fossils of Man's Earliest Ancestor (2000-02-04)

Scientists Find Jurassic Age Dinosaur Vomit (2002-02-11)

Scientists Find No Genetic Evidence for Evolution (2001-10-02)

Scientists Look to Europe as Evolutionary Seat (2002-02-19)

Scientists Pick Holes in Darwinian Peppered Moth Theory (2001-08-03)

Scientists Ponder Why Kangaroos Fart Less than Sheep (2002-06-03)

Scientists Push Back Primate Origins (2002-04-17)

Scientists Sort the Chimps From the Men (2002-04-11)

Scientists:  T-Rex Couldn't Move Fast (2002-02-27)

Scientists Use Implanted Electrodes to Control Rats' Movements From Afar (2002-05-02)

Second Law of Thermodynamics!, The

Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Context of the Christian Faith, The

Second Mathematical Proof Against Evolution [AKA - Million Monkeys Can't Type Shakespeare], A (2002-03-06)

Second Thoughts About Peppered Moths (2002-07-10)

Secret To Earth's "Big Chill" Found In Underground Water (2001-09-06)

Self-Organizing Systems (SOS) FAQ

Signs of Intelligence: A Primer on the Discernment of Intelligent Design (1999-10-21)

Silly Season in WA State Legislature (my title) (2002-01-23)

Site that Debunks Virtually All of Creationism's Fallacies

Skeletal Remains May Be 11,000 Years Old (Lake Jackson, Texas) (2002-08-09)

Skeptic Annotated Bibliography, The

Skin Color is Regional Adaptation, Scientists Say (2000-08-27)

Skull and Fossils in Ethiopia

Skulls Found in Africa and in Europe Challenge Theories of Human Origins (2002-08-06)

Small Spherical Universe after All?, A (2001-12-21)

Smooth Change in the Fossil Record

SNPs as Windows on Evolution (2002-01-07)

Society for the Advancement of Autodynamics

Some More Observed Speciation Events

Speciation {Kimball's Biology Pages, December1, 2001}

Speciation by Punctuated Equilibrium {Don Lindsay}

Speciation Conference Brings Good News for Creationists (2000-05-18)

Speed Of Light May Not Be Constant, Physicist Suggests (1999-10-06)

Splifford FAQ (How and really work)

Starlight and Time (2001-11-19)

States Graded on Evolution Education, [Thread I] (2000-09-27)

States Graded on Evolution Education [Thread II] (2000-10-02)

Stealth Creationist Lang. Snuck into Senate Ed. Bill [my title] Thread II (2001-06-27)

Stiff-Necked Dinosaurs

Stone Indicates Earlier 'Human' Behavior (2002-01-11)

Stone Tools Hold New Clues About Human Evolution (2000-05-03)

Storm Over Teaching Creationism (2002-03-15)

Study Finds Sexism Rampant in Nature (2002-03-12)

Study Hints at How Genetic Mutations Led to Macroevolutionary Change (2002-02-07)

Study Indicates Europeans Descended From Only Hundreds of Africans (2001-04-21)

Study: Neanderthals, Modern Humans Same Species (2002-01-10)

Study Offers Insights Into Evolutionary Origins Of Life -- Life Created in a Test Tube (2001-05-18)

Study Says Americas Settled 15,000 Years Ago (2001-09-03)

Summary of Creation ex Nihilo, 22:2 (2000-03-24) 

Summary of the Paluxy "Man Track" Controversy, A {Talk Origins, 1992}

Sun: A Great Ball of Iron?, The (2002-07-18)Super Ant Colony Found in Europe (2002-04-15)

Supercomputer May Unlock Secrets of Universe (2001-07-31) 

Supernatural Selections.  An Interview With Toby Lester (2002-04-06)

Super Volcano In Yellowstone National Park (2002-05-14)

Supreme Court Won't Hear Case on Teaching Evolution (2002-01-07)

Survival and Genetic Disorders (2002-02-08)

Systematic Approach to Origins Clarification, A


Taking Wing:  A New View of the Origin of Bird Flight Emerges [Thread]

Talk Origins and the Darwin/Hitler Test

Taylor Site "Man Tracks," The {Glen J. Kuban, 1986}

Teacher Calls Student "Ignorant" for Believing in Creation! (2000-05-09)

Teacher Wants to Debunk Evolution in School (1999-10-16)

Teaching Alternative To Evolution Backed (2002-05-30)

Ted Holden and Ed Conrad pretend they found fossilized human bone - The Skeptic Tank

Ted Holden's "Intermediate Fossil" Quotes from Walter ReMine's "Biotic Message" {Andrew MacRae}

Ted Holden's World

Ted Holden's Frequent Questions Answered

Telepathic Parrot vs. Chuck Darwin (2001-12-31)

Theory of 'Intelligent Design' Isn't Ready for Natural Selection (2002-06-07)

Theory on Origins of Man Gets Genetic Overhaul (2002-03-07)

There is No Religious Bias in the PBS Evolution Project Because Ken Miller Says There Isn’t. (2001-09-25)

Thermodynamics vs. Evolutionism (2000-01-21)

These Fists Were Made for Walking [Our Pre-Human Ancestors] (2000-03-25)

"Threat" of Creationism, The, by Isaac Asimov

Tiny Mathematical Proof Against Evolution [AKA - Million Monkeys Can't Type Shakespeare], A (2002-03-05)

To Creationists:  Is There a Global Conspiracy to Promote Evolution? (2002-04-13)

Tool-Using Crows Give New Meaning to Term 'Bird Brained' {Psychiatric News, March 1, 1996}

Top Ten Problems with the Big Bang (2001-08-27)

Torah and Science

Tornado in a Junkyard: Another Nail in Evolutions Coffin (2000-04-02)

Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism [Book Review] (1999-11-17)

Transitional Fossils -- Age and Descent {Wesley R. Elsberry}

Transitional Fossils Leading to Orbulina {April 26, 1998}

Transitional Fossils FAQ {Kathleen Hunt}

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ {Kathleen Hunt, Talk Origins, March 17, 1997}

Tree-Climbing with Dinosaurs (2002-04-24)

T. Rex Meets Biblical Text at Museum (2001-12-09)

T-Rex times 5! Found in Montana (2000-10-07)

True Believer - A Timely Book, The (2001-10-04)

True Origins ( BS Refuted)

Truth About the Scopes Trial, The (2000-07-10)

Truth for Youth:  The Stupidest Comics Ever, The (2002-04-20)

Turning a Corner in the Search for the Origin of Life {Peter Wills, SFI Bulletin, Summer 1997}

Two Carnegie Scientists Report Discovery of Human Ancestor (2002-04-25)

Two New Dinosaurs Found, Including Odd Plant-Eater (2001-06-18)


U. of Kansas Opening Convocation (re: Evolution, Creation, Darwin) (1999-12-12)

UBC 'Supernova' a World First - Successful Experiment Gives Canada 'Bragging Rights' (2001-12-18)

U. C. San Diego Darwinists Exaggerate Research Results to Promote Theory, Says Discovery Institute (2002-02-06)

UGA Study of Retroviruses Shows Human-Specific Variety Developed When Humans, Chimps Diverged (2002-08-02)

Unintelligible Redesign — This is the Way Creationism Ends.  Not with a Bang, but with a Whimper (2002-02-14)

Universe Is a Computer (2002-06-03)

Universe Might Last Forever, Astronomers Say, but Life Might Not, The (2002-01-08)

Universe Of Life: Maybe Not, A (2002-01-07)

Universe (or Should That Be the 'Big Bang [Theory]?') Falls Flat! (2000-05-07)

Universe, The

Untangling Evolution (2001-12-30)

(U.S. Government Sanctioned) Academy Declines to Accredit Va. College-Creationism Rule Cited (2002-05-11)

U.S. Schools Ban Darwin from Class (2002-02-23)

U.S. Society Harbors Faction Devoted to Ignoring Science (1999-08-27)


Venus: Astronomers' Worst Nightmare {Bearfabrique}

Vertebrate Flight: Chiropteran Flight {U. C. Berkeley}

Victory From Space:  This is No Time for Science to Retreat; It Must Attack (2001-10-14)

Virus in DNA 'is cause of mental illness' (2001-04-10)


Wandering Hot Spots Worry Geologists (2001-12-18)

Water Lily Study Sheds Light on Evolution of Flowering Plants {Scientific American}

We Dodged Extinction (2002-01-29)

Wedge: Breaking the Modernist Monopoly on Science, The (1999-10-28)

Weinberg's Big Bang Presuppositions? Or, No Science Without Intelligent Design? (1999-10-16)

Weird Fossilized Flying Reptile 'A Vision of Hell' (2002-07-18)

Weird Stars Show Evidence of New Form of Matter (2002-04-10)

Well Preserved Meteorite Yields Clues To Carbon Evolution In Space

Were Adam and Eve Toast? (2001-06-18)

Western Scholars Play Key Role In Touting 'Science' of the Quran (2002-01-23)

What Every Theologian Should Know about Creation, Evolution, and Design (2002-01-07)

What is Astrochemistry? {Expo/Science & Industry/Whispers From the Cosmos}

What is Creationism? (2002-04-08)

What is Evolution?

What is the Connection Between Homosexuality and Evolution? (2000-02-09)

What is the Singularity? (2001-03-03)

What Killed the Mammoths and Other Behemoths? (2002-06-05)

What Would Newton Do? (2002-01-09)

What Would We Expect to Find if the World had Flooded?

When Did Eukaryotic Cells (Cells With Nuclei and Other Internal Organelles) First Evolve? What Do We Know About How They Evolved From Earlier Life-Forms? {Tara Murphy, Scientific American}

White House to Honor Prominent Evolutionist (2002-05-09)

Who Let the Dogs Out? (2002-01-14)

Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die (2001-02-14)

Why Do You Debate About Evolution (2002-02-05)

Why Evolution is Wrong (2001-04-21)

Why Evolutionary Algorithms Cannot Generate Specified Complexity, Dembski

Why God Can't Exist (2000-02-17)

Why I No Longer Debate Idiots

Why Stephen Jay Gould is bad for Creationism (2001-09-25)

Why the Big Bang is Wrong (2001-07-31)

Wimpzillas (Particle 1000 Billion Times More Massive than Proton) Leave Tracks Say Astronomers (2002-06-03)

Wistar Symposia: Mathematics vs. Evolution

Wonder of the Eye Could Only Have Been a Creation by God, The (2001-04-03)

World of Design, The (2000-09-18)

World's Oldest Living Thing, The



"You Have Ten Minutes to Prove The Existence of God to My Husband" (2001-03-08)

Young Earth And Flood Geology


Link/Thread Subject Index

Anomalous Artifacts, Sightings and Fossils    •    Astronomy    •    Avian Evolution    •    Bat Evolution    •    Catastrophism/Flood    •    Chronological Dating    •    Galileo    •    Human Genetic Bottleneck    •    Irreducible Complexity    •    Macroevolution, Speciation and Transitional Species    •    Polystrate Fossils    •    Thermodynamics    •    Vertebrate Evolution

Anomalous Artifacts, Sightings and Fossils

Dinosaur Pictures: Not a Hoax (2000-02-23)

Evidence of Dinosaurs in the Twentieth Century (2001-02-07)

Mishipishu, the Water Panther {Bearfabrique} 

Mysteries from the Depths of Time:  The Coso Artifact {Pierre Stromberg and Paul Heinrich, May 31, 2000}

Summary of the Paluxy "Man Track" Controversy, A {Talk Origins, 1992}

Taylor Site "Man Tracks," The {Glen J. Kuban, 1986}

Astronomy'Anti-freeze' Chemical Found in Milky Way (2002-04-15)

Astronomical Pseudo-science: A Skeptic's Resource List (Version 2.3; May 2001) {The Astronomical Society of the Pacific)

Current State of Creation Astronomy, The {Institute for Creation Research, August 1998}

Weird Stars Show Evidence of New Form of Matter (2002-04-10)

Wimpzillas (Particle 1000 Billion Times More Massive than Proton) Leave Tracks Say Astronomers (2002-06-03)

Avian Evolution

Animal Behavior: You Can Learn a Lot From a Featherhead. {Popular Science}

Aves:  Fossil Record  {U. C. Berkley}

Archaeopteryx FAQs, The {Talk Origins}

Archaeopteryx's Relationship With Modern Birds {Thomas Holtz, Jr., 1995}

Archaeoraptor Hoax Update (National Geographic Recants) (2000-03-02)

Bird Brains

Bird Evolution: A Theropod Legacy  {Justin Hall}

Branch in Feather Evolution, A {Academic Press: Daily InScight, 7 March 2001}

Chinese Fossil Shows Early Birds Supped on Seeds (2002-07-25)

Dino-Bird Evolution Falls Flat! {Answers in Genesis, March-May 1998}

Dinosaur With Mature Feathers Uncovered in China (2002-03-06)

Downy 'Dragon' Shakes Up Theories of Bird Evolution {New Scientist, 19 Oct 1996}

Evidence for Dinosaur-Bird Transition, The (A Sidebar Thread) (2001-07-09)

Evidence Supports Dinosaur-Bird Evolution {How Stuff Works, August 14, 2000}

Evolution of Flight, The {U. C. Davis, September 7, 2001}

"Feathered Dinosaur" Claim Apparently a Fake (2000-01-18)

Feathers Fly Over Chinese Fossil Bird's Legality and Authenticity (2000-02-18)

Glaciers May Not Have Driven Modern Bird Evolution {Jeff Poling, 1997}

Marvel of God's Creation: the Incubator Bird (2001-08-26)

Microscopic Bone Evidence Supports Dinosaur-Bird Evolution Link {Science Daily, August 10, 2000}

Mongolian Fossil Sheds Light on Bird Evolution {Scientific American, January 2001}

New Dinosaur Fossil Ruffles Feathers (2001-04-25)

New Species Clarifies Bird-Dinosaur Link (2002-02-14)

New Theory Of The Evolution Of Bird Flight Linked To Parental Care (2002-01-30)

'Piltdown' Bird Fake Explained (2001-03-29)

Open Letter from Smithsonian to National Geographic Society on Dino-Bird Claims (1999-11-09)

Refuting the Dinosaur-to-Bird Myth {The Young Earth Creation Club, Johnathan D. Sarfati, PhD., F. M.}

Taking Wing:  A New View of the Origin of Bird Flight Emerges (2002-01-10)

Tool-Using Crows Give New Meaning to Term 'Bird Brained' {Psychiatric News, March 1, 1996}

Bat Evolution

Bat Facts {Smithsonian Institution}

Bats May Have Invented Flight Twice (At Least!) {Science Frontiers Online, May-June 1986}

Bats Push the Limits of Sonar {Elizabeth Pennisi, October 19, 1998} 

Vertebrate Flight: Chiropteran Flight {U. C. Berkeley}





Flood and the Earth's Age, The {Bearfabrique}

Grazian Archive, The


Immanuel Velikovsky

Kronia Group

Saturnian Org

Universe, The

Immanuel Velikovsky

Venus: Astronomers' Worst Nightmare {Bearfabrique}

Chronological Dating

Bad News for Radiometric Dating (2000-05-16)

Exercise 1-2: Chronological Methods {The University of California, December 8, 2000}

Isotope Dating Methods Found Flawed (2000-05-09)

Luminescence Dating at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art {RLAHA, May 29, 1999}

Radioactive Age Estimation Methods -- Flawed (2000-05-11)

Radioactive Dating Gives False Dates (2000-05-08)

Radiometric Dating: A Christian Perspective {Dr. Roger C. Wiens}


Faith Can Never Conflict with Reason {Caltech Newman Center}

Magisterium Is Concerned with Question of Evolution For It Involves Conception of Man {Pope John Paul II, 22 October 1996}

Modern History Sourcebook: The Crime of Galileo: Indictment and Abjuration of 1633 {Paul Halsall, July 1998, rev. January 1999}

Pope's Take on "Evolution," The (2000-03-22)

Human Genetic Bottleneck

How Different Are We? {The Atlantic Online, 2001}

We Dodged Extinction (2002-01-29)

Irreducible Complexity

Delicate Balance, A {Russell F. Doolittle, March 1997, Boston Review}

Macroevolution, Speciation and Transitional Species20 Answers from an Evolutionist {Russell Stewart}

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (9 & 10) (2001-03-16)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (11 & 12) (2001-03-20)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (13 & 14) (2001-03-28)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution (17 and 18) (2001-04-07)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #19, 20, 2 (2001-05-20)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution - #22, 23, 24 (2001-05-24)

29 Evidences for Macroevolution, Thread The Next (2001-04-02)

African Elephants Are Now One of Two Kinds [Elephant Evolution] (2001-08-24)

All About Archaeopteryx {Chris Nedin, Talk Origins, January 15, 1999}

Archaeopteryx FAQs, The {Chris Nedin, Talk Origins, 1995-1997}

Archaeopteryx's Relationship With Modern Birds {Thomas Holtz, Jr., 1995}

Biologists Uncover Darwin's ‘Missing Evidence’ for Divergence of Species in a Warbler's Song (2001-01-19)

DNA and Darwin: Research Shows that Evolution Repeats Itself in Caribbean Lizards (2001-04-07)

Ensatina eschscholtzi: Speciation in Progress

Evidence for Dinosaur-Bird Transition, The (A Sidebar Thread) (2001-07-09)

Macroevolution {John Wilkins, Talk Origins, 1997}

Macro-Evolution versus Moses (Several Parts) (1999-12-14)

Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The [Part I] (2000-03-16)

Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The [ Part II] (2000-04-02)

Magic of Evolutionary Speciation, The [ Part III] (2000-04-11)

Observed Instances of Speciation {Joseph Boxhorn, Talk Origins, September 1, 1995}

On Creation Science and "Transitional Fossils"  {Tim Thompson}

Process of Speciation, The {University of Michigan, 1996}

Speciation {Kimball's Biology Pages, December 1, 2001}

Speciation by Punctuated Equilibrium {Don Lindsay}

Speciation Conference Brings Good News for Creationists (2000-05-18)

Study Hints at How Genetic Mutations Led to Macroevolutionary Change (2002-02-07)

Ted Holden's "Intermediate Fossil" Quotes from Walter ReMine's "Biotic Message" {Andrew MacRae}

Transitional Fossils -- Age and Descent {Wesley R. Elsberry}

Transitional Fossils Leading to Orbulina {April 26, 1998}

Transitional Fossils FAQ {Kathleen Hunt}

Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ {Kathleen Hunt, Talk Origins, March 17, 1997}

Water Lily Study Sheds Light on Evolution of Flowering Plants {Scientific American}

Polystrate Fossils

Pillars, Polystrate Formations, and Potholes {1977, Douglas E. Cox}

Polystrate Fossils {25 July 2001}

"Polystrate" Tree Fossils {Andrew MacRae, 1994-1997, TalkOrigins}

Whale of a Tale, A {Darby South, 2 September 1995, TalkOrigins}

What are "Polystrate" Fossils? (John D. Morris, Ph.D., 17 June 2002, Institute for Creation Research}


2nd Law of Thermodynamics, The

Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics!

Entropy Reversed (2002-07-18)

Going Against the Flow (2002-06-24)

Pushing the Second Law to the Limit (2002-07-17)

Second Law of Thermodynamics!, The

Second Law of Thermodynamics in the Context of the Christian Faith, The

Thermodynamics vs. Evolutionism (2000-01-21)

Vertebrate Evolution

Chordates and the Evolution of the Craniata {University of Miami, April 1, 1997}

Previous Revisions

Original (2001-07-23)
2nd Revision (2001-07-25)
3rd Revision (2001-07-27)
4th Revision (2001-08-06)
5th Revision (2001-08-23)
6th Revision (2001-08-28) [Missing]
7th Revision (2001-09-25)
8th Revision
9th Revision (2001-11-09)
10th Revision (2001-11-15)
11th Revision (2001-12-10)
12th Revision (2001-12-17)
13th Revision (2002-01-02)
14th Revision (2002-01-10)
15th Revision
16th Revision (2002-03-08)
17th Revision (2002-04-08)
18th Revision (2002-06-13)

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KEYWORDS: crevo; crevolist

1 posted on 08/13/2002 8:15:05 AM PDT by Junior
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To: *crevo_list
A one-year old bump!
2 posted on 08/13/2002 8:47:54 AM PDT by Junior
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To: VadeRetro; jennyp; Junior; longshadow; *crevo_list; RadioAstronomer; Scully; Piltdown_Woman; ...
Another great work by junior!
3 posted on 08/13/2002 9:05:23 AM PDT by PatrickHenry
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To: Junior
Great job, as usual.
4 posted on 08/13/2002 9:07:16 AM PDT by Lurking Libertarian
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To: PatrickHenry
Thanks for this. Another great opus to bookmark!
5 posted on 08/13/2002 9:11:12 AM PDT by stanz
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To: Junior
Whoa! Gnarly, dude!
6 posted on 08/13/2002 10:57:06 AM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: PatrickHenry
Thanks for the ping. I can't FReep as much as I used to, but I still look forward to the arena.

Has anyone posted the trivial fact that Steven J. Gould's parents arrived in the U.S.A. on 9/11/01? (1901, that is).

7 posted on 08/13/2002 11:28:06 AM PDT by js1138
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To: js1138
Aha! So the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon were evolutionist plots!
8 posted on 08/13/2002 11:48:38 AM PDT by Gumlegs
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To: Junior
One year old and already potty-trained!
9 posted on 08/13/2002 12:57:08 PM PDT by VadeRetro
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To: Junior
Great work, chief!
10 posted on 08/13/2002 1:56:25 PM PDT by BMCDA
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To: Junior; PatrickHenry
All I can say is...WOW! :-) Thanks!
11 posted on 08/13/2002 4:50:45 PM PDT by Scully
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To: Junior
That really IS the ultimate!
12 posted on 08/13/2002 10:54:11 PM PDT by jennyp
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