Let's talk partial birth abortion. Let's say your "libertarian" society allows abortion on demand up until delivery. But my version of "liberty" states that life begins at conception and that without life there is no liberty.
So, a woman can abort her baby in the 9th month, because it's in her body. But I think that's murder.
What's your position? Who's right here, and who's wrong? Should abortion be banned, or not?
Oy vey.
Let's talk about witch-burning. Let's say your "Christian" society allows the burning of witches for their beliefs and practices, based on the Biblical injunction that "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Ex 22:18). But my version of "liberty" states that individuals are free to believe as they will, and that without life there is no liberty.
So society can burn witches at will, because that what God commands. But I think that's simply state- and Church-sanctioned murder.
What's your position? Who's right and who's wrong? Should witch-burning be banned or not?
Is that enough information to proceed, or is it not cartoonish enough?
As you are no doubt aware, abortion is one of the most vexing issues we face. There are many differences of opinion. Many thoughts regarding pregnancy, birth control, and sexuality are in a state of flux.
In difficult situations, some compromises may be necessary. You, of course, need a rationale for according "life" status to a fertilized ovum. It is indeed interesting how you spend the majority of your effort seeking to divide rather than finding common ground.