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To: white trash redneck; ppaul; happygrl; Black Agnes; SarahW; CatoRenasci; 1bigdictator; Guillermo; ...
Updates to this thread (since Aug.7th):

Here's an American Muslim website: (at IP address -- it gears itself to Muslim children and teenagers. The site is now password protected due to all the attention it has been getting. This website is so outrageous that it has been featured recently on FoxNews.

The next generation of terrorists have to learn to hate somewhere.

FoxNews  SHOW: FOX NEWS SUNDAY (09:00)
August 11, 2002 Sunday
Transcript # 081103cb.250
SECTION: News; International
LENGTH: 3610 words
HEADLINE: Below the Fold
BYLINE: Tony Snow, Juan Williams, Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes, Mort Kondracke
BODY: SNOW: Let's check out some hot stories we found this week below the fold.

A handful of online web logs have been drawing attention to a website, which I will not mention by name, that purports to provide religious instruction to young Muslims. Recent postings on this site extol the glories of killing Americans and Jews. Here's an excerpt of a post about the thrill of murder: "When you do it, then do it so badly that he spits out blood and starts crying really badly. Let's make this more freaky. Hey, cut his head off. I mean, not like fast, I mean, like, cut it in slow motion, and let him shout and cry and do anything he wants. LOL!" "LOL" stands for "laugh out loud."

Subscribers also can view videos of jihadists beheading victims, and can find lists of potential assassination targets in America. The page, by the way, is registered to a man who lives in Staten Island.

(No, the registered address is probably fake, the owner is in Ohio - Johnathan)

8/21/2002: ClearGuidance Revisited

Regular readers will remember our thread the peaceful youth of Islam , about the appalling hatred on the Islamic website, a site dedicated to luring young Muslims into the jihad lifestyle.

Well, even though the moderators of the site closed it to outsiders after LGF (and Tal G. and James Lileks and Glenn Reynolds ) brought it to the attention of the world, John Hawkins has a spy on the inside who provided him with a copy of one of the most evil discussions in that very evil place. And it?s just as disgusting the second time around.

Ibn Musa: YEA..oKay..and hey....when u DO i.then DO it soo badly that he spits out blood and and starts crying really badly...stab him till da muslim blood from his abdomen comes out ...and ....ermmmm....lets make this more freaky....hey CUT his head off .... i mean like not FAST....i mean cut it in a SLOW MOTION....and let him shout ...cry....and do anything he wants lol......then leave him alone...on the floor....let the blood come out from his THROAT...+ ABDOMEN....and yea yea and wait till he dies okay....when he dies....then give him a KICK and tell him that it was from IBN MUSA lol...hey we dont want kumo sis or anyone to faint while lukin at theyr own thread rite? ST OP it here man..lets do this in DA BRO AREA .....

Ibn Musa: hey am gonna sleep rite now give u guys the threads name in brothers area ... i want to see that FILLED WITH BLOOD AND OTHER YUMMMY STUFF for tomorrow inshallah

tha name of that thread is " > : : : » JUICY JEW « : : : <" gud name eh ... lol

little green footballs: 8/13/2002: Support for ClearGuidance

The peaceful folks at SoundVision are expressing their support for, and their support for training children to handle automatic weapons and hate infidels. And advising us not to read anything into the fact that as soon as the owners of CG became aware of the attention they were getting, they hid everything and cancelled all suspect accounts.

They also say that LGF?s quotes from the ClearGuidance forum were taken out of context. And according to ?Ibn El-Sheikh,? who uses a photo of Osama Bin Laden as his personal icon, so was the decapitation video:

Regarding the Rush Throat video, you must understand it in its own context.

This was a Russian soldier - one who participated in raping women, burning entire villages and indulging in genocide.

Imagine it was your mother and sister who were raped, and your father and husband and son who were arrested by the Russian army, then tortured and executed.

I'm not speaking without proof - I have pictures. I even have the picture of a Chechen who was killed and had crosses and swastikas engraved in his body.

If you want to see them, just let me know.

This justification came as a reply to Beverly, who expressed her horror that kids were trading snuff films.

His idea of a reasonable response: sneeringly offer to show her more snuff pictures. Wow. posted by Charles at 1:30 PM PST

Right Wing News

I Will Terrorise Every Individual Who Comes Within My Way Of Islaaam

By John Hawkins

Once again, the right wing kaffir has crept into the heart of the "Youth of Islam " forum to acquire the material for the latest edition of A.C.P.O.T.I. Who else but RWN would risk a Salman Rushdie style fatwa in order to bring back some of the most pro-terrorist, homophobic, and bizarre posts you'll find out there on the net just for your amusement? But enough talk, let's get down to business...


Islamisthesolution explains that the terrorists who killed Daniel Pearl were just "sticking up for themselves"...

IslamIsTheSolution Responding To Someone Who Condemned The Murder Of Daniel Pearl: what the hell are you talking about? Bush, Sharon all support the murder of muslims. Is that ok? KKK is a racial group. To them it doesn't matter what religion you are, as long as your white. So when Bush, sharon kill over 500,000 muslims around the world, its not ok. But when muslims stick up for them selves, and kill one person they are terrorist, they are criminals, they are people of evil. Get your facts straight, research what is happening around the world man. May Allah give you hidayat.

Salaam to All


Our next poster explains that murdering that "dirty jew" Daniel Pearl wasn't "sick" because "the jews back-stabbed Prophet Muhammed" so he deserved it...

Abu Sulaiman:...Firstly Pearl is a Jew, Munafiq, Spy, and a Kaffir, do not be fooled by these people. Their hatred for Islaam can be seen from their Mouths and what their heart conceals is Much Worse.

Wallahi i do not see where the sick part is, slaughtering? Okay compare this to what the russians [only one nation, lets not even go to the arabian region]. They capture a mujahid, SubhanAllaah, do you have the slightest clue what type of tortur they put him throught? In Islaam we cannot punish them like this- you can't even tortur the kaffir- we just slit their throught, and its proven when you pass a special area in the neck, they no longer feel pain. So this kaffir only gets a few seconds of pain, SubhanAllaah. While the Mujahid in Jail, for more then 10 years getting daily Punishment recieves un-calculatable pain. And Tell me know which is more sick?

And Remember when we muslims capture a munifiq [muslim], we do the same to him, we slaughter him. What do you think of a Dirty Jew, Stupied Munafiq, Two-Timing Spy, and a Najis Kaffir? We do the same to him. Walhumdulilah.

And Remember the Rasoul [saaws] slaughtered a great number of jews in one battle [I think Al-Azhab-Trench or around that time], the best of creation did this, because the jews back-stabbed Prophet Muhammed [saaws]. And if you think this is still sick, InshaAllaahi ta3ala your alive when mahdi is around cause your going to see many jew/munafiqqin heads on the floor.

Wa Aliakumu Assalaam Wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakatu. [That tape of Pearl, placed in the hearts of the Kuffar Un-Imaginable Fear, InshaAllaahi ta3ala]


The tinfoil hat crowd will love this next poster. He explains that the mainstream press has no idea what's going on. But don't worry, this guy has the inside scoop about how the Taliban are actually beating the American military like a government mule....

HammerStorm:Recently the American Crusaders have been carrying out two negotiation streams with the Mujahideen:

1.) America, having lost thousands of her soldiers so far, is getting desperate for some face-saving measures. The Crusaders were involved in high-level negotiations with the leaders of the Mujahideen including the Taliban. The gist of what was said was:

America offered to disengage, retreat and withdraw from Afghanistan, [and, I cannot remember, they may have also offerred to withdraw their armies from other Muslim lands as well] promising never to attack it again. In return, the Mujahideen were to promise not to launch any retributionary attacks on America, or on American embassies abroad, or to attack American nationals abroad. The mujahideen offered a conditional agreement, and that was, that America should publicize this. Meaning, admit to her public that massive losses were being taken, and that they were officially disengaging from the Afghanistan theatre.

America, in her utter kibr, refused. [The first nail in her coffin has been driven deep by her own hand.]

2.) The second set of negotiations were regarding the mujahideen imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. [Recently dozens more American soldiers were taken prisoner; the current number of American POW's in Afghanistan is well over 100] America offerred to return the Afghani prisoners only. The mujahideen [Mullah Umar was acting through intermediaries] put forth their position that the Arab mujahideen must be released first, then they could talk of the imprisoned mujahideen of other nationalities. Only then would some American POW's be returned, and then the rest would be contingent on the release of all other mujahideen from Guantanamo Bay. And that America must admit this as well, publicly.

Again, America refused. [Thereby driving the second nail into her coffin.]

...I ask Allah azza wa jall, to make Afghanistan the curse of America, and to cast the same curse of Afghanistan that was cast upon the other nations before it who were deluded enough to enter. So that America entered proud, arrogant, as if she could crush the mountains, and yet she [her military] will be brought to her knees, and the sword of the Mujahideen laid at her neck, and for her face to be dragged through the dust. Her pride and her arrogance ripped to shreds and left in tatters on the harsh and unforgiving killing fields of Khurasaan.

All that will be left is for Afghanistan to spit her lifeless corpse into the very same grave that she now digs for herself.

Allahummansur elmujahideen fesabeelika fe afghanistan.


It would be a good idea to keep this guy away from any gay pride parades...

MuslimForLife:DAMN YAHOODIS! damn fags. i want one!! ill torture it and humiliate it and then ill KIILLL ITT!!


Someone needs to explain to abunihla that "Islam is peace" because he thinks Islam condones terrorism...

abunihla:Who says Islaam does not teach Terrorism? Allah has told us to terrorise His enemies and our enemies 'Turhaab' (turhibbunna adua-Allah wa aduakum". Well we don't leave for the Kuffar or to find ways to co-exist with them..let them find ways to co-exist with us Muslims.. we terrorise falsehood and make Allahs' way above everything. I advice all brothers who agree with Islamic usool not to apologise or use soft language when replying to some threads posted by?????

I will terrorise every individual who comes within my way of Islaaam.I' will not be apolegetic to established usools of Islaam even though the Munafiqeen or the Kuffar would detest it. For the record i'm not with Bush so automatically i'm with the terrorists. ===

Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 21:54:52
Subject: ClearGuidance

John Galt,

I found your website at and
I wanted to commend you for putting together a list like that. Thank
you for the valuable service.

I would like to bring you another site to your attention that you
haven't noticed/listed yet. Please read as well as for shocking
information about a website for islamic teenagers and kids at Please add ClearGuidance to your public list of hate sites. It's a hate site of the worst kind... it's geared toward CHILDREN.

You will be surprised to find out that the owner of the website is
none other than the owner of It is "Halal Flowers"
of New York. (referencing your page at

Well you will also be surprised to find out the TRUE owner of those
HATE SITES. "Halal Flowers" probably doesn't exist. The coward was
threatened on an online message board and changed the registration
information for his hate sites a while back.

I hope this helps! I will be posting this on many message boards
online anonymously. BTW, please do not post my email address or name
on the site because I'm afraid of being hacked by these extremist

The IDF recently released a report about the Hamas website where Muslims also talked about killing Americans: is hosted by EV1.NET in Houston Texas. (Former) home to the Al-Qassam Martyrs Brigade and several other terrorist sites. claims they tried to take down -- but the U.S. Govt. made them put it back up. (seems to be currently down, let's hope permanently) is/was hosted by in Pennsylvania. This ISP is the home to the terrorist group Hamas ( ) and former home to also reports that they are being forced to host the sites.

67 posted on 08/25/2002 3:45:55 PM PDT by JohnathanRGalt
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To: JohnathanRGalt
They also say that LGF?s quotes from the ClearGuidance forum were taken out of context. And according to ?Ibn El-Sheikh,? who uses a photo of Osama Bin Laden as his personal icon, so was the decapitation video:..... Regarding the Rush Throat video, you must understand it in its own context..... This was a Russian soldier - one who participated in raping women, burning entire villages and indulging in genocide.....

This sounds like the same lies that the "Bosnian" muslims and their al Qaeda and Iranian allies used against the Serbs!!!! And they decapitated many, many Bosnian Serbs, using the same excuses!!!!

The muslim extremists and their shills are now engaging in a massive campaign of taqiyya to convince the world that their war is against Israel and the Jews. But that is just a TYPICAL muslim "divide and conquer" strategem! The jihadists hate Orthodox Christians--plus any other Christians who stand up for the Orthodox and against islamism--THE WORST OF ALL!!!!

And they want to demoralize America and destroy our way of life with terrorism and the fear of terrorism, coupled with poisoning our ability to fight them by sowing "liberal"-sounding lies about the "religion of peace" and "the terrorists are a small minority and are not even good muslims", and other such blather!!!!

Make no mistake about it--the muslim savages will attack us with another Sept. 11th-style attack, or maybe something even worse!!!! When they do, we must NOT believe ANY of their lies--that its "just about Israel" or "the attackers weren't good muslims"--or any other lie they come up with. Instead, we must unite as one, and strike them hard as if we were one fist!!!! Better yet, why not do that EVEN BEFORE THEY ATTACK AGAIN!!!!

69 posted on 08/25/2002 4:59:41 PM PDT by Honorary Serb
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To: JohnathanRGalt
Looks like you need to register just to read the messages...but they do post a bunch of related sites at the bottom of every login page. More sites to investigate.

70 posted on 08/25/2002 5:37:35 PM PDT by Aaron_A
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To: JohnathanRGalt
BUMP> Thanks-
74 posted on 08/25/2002 9:45:12 PM PDT by swarthyguy
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