I believe there is a lot of truth in what you say - however in the final analysis, historical truth usually wins. The lefties may try to change it, but as the effects of history lie all around us, it's not really possible. Even when Stalin controlled all academia in the USSR, it was not possible to conceal the extent of the Great Terror. It only requires a few historians who are willing to tell the truth, and God grant we never run out of those.
Regards, Ivan
And so it will be with Clinton to a lessor extent. No one will ever say he was a "Great President". Enough has come out to tarnish him in even the common man's eyes. But we have seen only the tip of the ice berg when it comes to Clinton's depravity, crimes, and even treason. And I think much of this story is known by our media and political elite. It will come out in dribs and drabs but it will come out. In 30 years time Clinton will be regarded as perhpas the most vile Politician in our history. But it will take years as he has his wormlike toady defenders as TIme Magazine has yet again demostrated.