Please, Bush hasn't done hardly a thing about abortion, he has quietly cut funding to overseas groups. Thats all we've heard. His emphasis on faith is fine, and compared to Clinton he's a fine person. Blanket amnesty for millions of illegals with all our socialistic programs is not conservative however. His HUGE increase in the NEA's spending (didn't conservatives used to want to get rid of this altogether all but 20 years ago?), his huge increase in entitlements and proposed prescription drug plan (more socialism), coupled with a hefty, etc hardly makes Bush a conservative. At best he's a wishy washy moderate who you have to like on a personal level. He's not conservative. Delay is a conservative, Watt is a conservative, Ron Paul, whom is a pro-life libertarian, is much closer to conservative than Bush. Ill be voting Constitution Party in 2004, unless Republicans really run someone who is conservative and in favor of smaller government.