And race-baiting is just the new face of class warfare... but that doesn't have the same bumper-stickativity to it, somehow...
The government schools have done their job superbly. Americans' phenominal ignorance about liberty and the financial benefits therein, the realities of economics, and the ludicrous argumentation fallacies of both politicians and the media that the uneducated fall for time and again serve the interests of the state in a big way. How else can a doofus like Sen. Barbara Boxer get away with both "setting aside" land for "future generations" in California (meaning your tax dollars bought it and you are not allowed on it), guaranteeing that the cost of housing and property taxes will increase, and in the next breath attempt to create "affordable" housing? Anyone with an ounce of economic knowledge, which is precious few people these days, would see right through this Alice in Wonderland double dealing.
Contrary to what the average person thinks, stupid people are actually very good for government.