Well, first of all, Lincoln wasn't one of the Founders. But I'm not arguing here for or against the drug war. If it can be demonstrated that ending the drug war is better for social order than prosecuting the drug war, then conservatives should call to end it. The problem is that the law teaches, and by bannning drugs we teach people that it's not O.K. to do drugs.
I'm just making the broader point that we live in a culture, and we have a right, as a society, to prohibit behaviors that are corrosive to order, such as bigamy, homosexuality, bestiality, pornography,etc.
Right. Quote the father of Big government, a man who waged war upon the rights of states while claiming to hold to the Constitution.
Good one.
By the way, genius, Lincoln was NOT a Founding Father.
In fact, he was more of a "Floundering Father."