Hell if it doesn't.
Everything JMJ said was on the money. What limitations do freaks need even to put on themselves when society signals that life is but a commodity? There is a dead and buried word called "deterrence" that we have forgotten. We've ceded to the trial lawyers and ninnies of the world. The bar has been lowered. Significantly. And it's our "advances" in science that highlight the complete lack of control mankind has when left to it's own ignorance.....or defiance... of God's providence.
May God have mercy on our souls. Forgive us,... though we know ... EXPLICITLY...what we fail to do.
Your right Sayer, there is no such a thing anymore such as resposibility, morals, repentance, mercy, truth, or love in our world
We have become so de-sentsitised to any of the above, I believe there is no hope for our civilization. Now on tv there are programs which are allowing the f word in different rated shows.
I think the time is near.