So, it's perfectly all right for this administration to carry on vendettas against citizens via the IRS just as the Clinton administration did. Thanks for clarifying for everyone that Bushites are merely Clintonistas who vote republican.
WHAT are you tallking about? This administration? The article refers to IRS actions during the Clinton administration.
Who said the Bushies were advocating the same underhanded (and criminal) tactics of the Clintons? The Bush Administration is "interested" in the Simon case in the sense that they would like to track down who misused the IRS for political purposes -- and we already know one of the conspirators, the Fairfax County liberal Dem.
What the Bush Administration should do is fire any IRS agent who has abused his power, and urge Congress to pass a law that prohibits members of the legislative and executive branches of government from requesting IRS audits. The IRS, if it can't be abolished, should at least be independent of the scoundrels who would use it as a personal life-ruining police force.