I will absorb you prose with my comprehension with the clarity of the morn, but of course, absolutes don't get one very far. Personal responsibility and consequences with a helping hand need to be an inseperable mix. To decouple them one way or another is profoundly immoral and unworkable. And with a subscription to a mix comes prudence and experience, and airy ideological nostrums begin to lose some of their appeal. Empirical details begin to matter, and the heavy lifting of serious and responsible public policy begins.
you must be English, I didn't understand anything past 'absorb'... sorry, I'm a product of gov't schooling (dumber than a rock).
Sorry to preach, I'm suffering from insomnia and freepin' is something to do. If you are across the pond, look around and tell me the multi-cultural social-welfare state is workable in the long run. Don't make that judgement based on the homogenous, hard-working Britain of the past. Interpolate from where England was in the '50's to where it is now, and tell me that it will be improved in the future & maybe I'll dust off my old books on Marx and give him another read.