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Live Thread -- Traficant Expulsion Vote
CSPAN, et al. | July 24, 2002

Posted on 07/24/2002 12:58:53 PM PDT by Howlin

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Comment #1,301 Removed by Moderator

To: PJ-Comix

As you may know, the Ohio Legislature, faced with the loss of one congressional district due to reapportionment, carved up Traficant's present district (centered on Mahoning and Trumbull Counties--Youngstown, Niles and Warren). The north part of Traficant's current district was folded into the district now represented by Steve LaTourette, a GOPer. The south part of Traficant's current district was folded into the Ohio Valley district represented by RAT Ted Strickland.

Traficant filed to run as an Independent in the new 17th district, and he will run against LaTourette and a RAT state legislator.

1,302 posted on 07/24/2002 7:34:40 PM PDT by nd76
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To: Rebelbase
snif snif...

I'm so touched! And Guinness is one of my favorites, too!
Thanks man. :)

1,303 posted on 07/24/2002 7:34:54 PM PDT by Constitution Day
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To: Confederate Keyester
Presidential pardon???
1,304 posted on 07/24/2002 7:36:03 PM PDT by Consort
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To: Timesink
"I'll grant Sheila some credit, though: She's speaking as a rational, even intelligent, human being.">

LOL!!! Gosh, you must have had a late night. (just kidding :-))

Did she say she made a 280 degree turn instead of her usual 360 degree turn?

1,305 posted on 07/24/2002 7:36:17 PM PDT by harpo11
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To: All
G'night all. This has been a heckuva thread. Watching our COngress, in action, crucifying their own, while we are at war and there are one or two pieces of IMPORTANT legislation still waiting, and one or teo judicial nominations still waiting until Congress deigns to notice was...depressing at worst...outrageous at best.

I hope we haven't heard the last of Traficant.

1,306 posted on 07/24/2002 7:37:00 PM PDT by cake_crumb
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To: nd76
Be very is never a good thing when you have both parties voting the same way.
1,307 posted on 07/24/2002 7:37:07 PM PDT by Feiny
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To: agrandis
With Congress, the last 50 years of it, I don,t think thats the undeniable truth. I just think BIG GOVERNMENT made an undeniable POWER Play and we are the losers in the long run!!!!
1,308 posted on 07/24/2002 7:37:41 PM PDT by Defender2
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To: nd76
Then that was an incredibly noble gesture on LeTourette's part. A real gentleman.
1,309 posted on 07/24/2002 7:38:37 PM PDT by justshe
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To: kstewskis
That would be Jabba the Hutt, er.....Jerry Nadler from NYC. Never throught I would see a suit made to fit a volkswagen.

WOW! All this time I thought that was Fat B@stard!
1,310 posted on 07/24/2002 7:38:47 PM PDT by kissoldspot
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To: Bandolier
Thou hypocrite(s), first cast out the beam out of thine own eye
1,311 posted on 07/24/2002 7:40:35 PM PDT by michigander
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To: nd76
Traficant filed to run as an Independent in the new 17th district, and he will run against LaTourette and a RAT state legislator.

LaTourette is in OH-14 just north of Traf's district... Trafficant will run as an Independent against a RAT one term state rep and Ann Womer Benjamin (R) in OH-17.

1,312 posted on 07/24/2002 7:42:36 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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To: Howlin; Fred Mertz
Makes a person wonder if Condit wasn't being blackmailed or had a message sent to let him know to toe the line.

Maybe he's been where Traficant was only he caved after the warning and Jim didn't.

Is it possible that he voted no, because it was about the only way he had left to tell Traficant and the world that he didn't kill Chandra, but he's pretty damn sure who did. (Even though I think it's because of her connection to him that she's dead and he didn't speak up to save his sorry butt in time for the cops to find her and actually have some usable evidence).

Or else he voted no because he's still pissed that Gephardt didn't stand up for him till the bitter end and now his meal ticket's about used up. This was a big F U to Congress as a whole.

I think I need to have another beer and think about this some more!

1,313 posted on 07/24/2002 7:43:22 PM PDT by terilyn
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To: dubyaismypresident I 1313? is that lucky or what?
1,314 posted on 07/24/2002 7:43:36 PM PDT by BerniesFriend
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To: justshe
Then that was an incredibly noble gesture on LeTourette's part. A real gentleman.

That's not the case they aren't running against each other. LaTourette is a class act, though.

1,315 posted on 07/24/2002 7:43:39 PM PDT by NeoCaveman
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To: BerniesFriend
nuts..i missed it..maybe next time we get to that number..
1,316 posted on 07/24/2002 7:44:16 PM PDT by BerniesFriend
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To: Howlin
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H RES 495     2/3 RECORDED VOTE    24-JUL-2002   10:11 PM
      QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Resolution
      BILL TITLE:  In the matter of James A. Traficant, Jr.

REPUBLICAN 211   8 2
DEMOCRATIC 207 1 1 2
TOTALS 420 1 9 4

--- AYES    420 ---

Abercrombie Granger Olver
Ackerman Graves Ortiz
Aderholt Green (TX) Osborne
Akin Green (WI) Ose
Allen Greenwood Owens
Andrews Grucci Oxley
Armey Gutierrez Pallone
Baca Gutknecht Pascrell
Bachus Hall (OH) Pastor
Baird Hall (TX) Payne
Baker Hansen Pelosi
Baldacci Harman Pence
Baldwin Hart Peterson (MN)
Ballenger Hastings (FL) Peterson (PA)
Barcia Hastings (WA) Petri
Barr Hayes Phelps
Barrett Hayworth Pickering
Barton Hefley Pitts
Bass Herger Platts
Becerra Hill Pombo
Bentsen Hilleary Pomeroy
Bereuter Hilliard Portman
Berkley Hinchey Price (NC)
Berman Hinojosa Pryce (OH)
Berry Hobson Putnam
Biggert Hoeffel Quinn
Bishop Hoekstra Radanovich
Blagojevich Holden Rahall
Blumenauer Holt Ramstad
Blunt Honda Rangel
Boehlert Hooley Regula
Boehner Horn Rehberg
Bonilla Houghton Reyes
Bono Hoyer Reynolds
Boozman Hulshof Riley
Borski Hunter Rivers
Boswell Hyde Rodriguez
Boucher Inslee Roemer
Boyd Isakson Rogers (KY)
Brady (PA) Israel Rogers (MI)
Brady (TX) Issa Rohrabacher
Brown (FL) Istook Ros-Lehtinen
Brown (OH) Jackson (IL) Ross
Brown (SC) Jackson-Lee (TX) Rothman
Bryant Jefferson Roukema
Burr Jenkins Roybal-Allard
Burton John Royce
Buyer Johnson (CT) Rush
Calvert Johnson (IL) Ryan (WI)
Camp Johnson, E. B. Ryun (KS)
Cannon Johnson, Sam Sabo
Cantor Jones (NC) Sanchez
Capito Jones (OH) Sanders
Capps Kanjorski Sandlin
Capuano Kaptur Sawyer
Cardin Keller Saxton
Carson (IN) Kelly Schaffer
Carson (OK) Kennedy (MN) Schakowsky
Castle Kennedy (RI) Schiff
Chabot Kerns Schrock
Chambliss Kildee Scott
Clay Kilpatrick Sensenbrenner
Clayton Kind (WI) Serrano
Clement King (NY) Sessions
Clyburn Kingston Shadegg
Coble Kirk Shaw
Collins Kleczka Shays
Combest Kolbe Sherman
Conyers Kucinich Sherwood
Cooksey LaFalce Shimkus
Costello LaHood Shows
Cox Lampson Shuster
Coyne Langevin Simmons
Cramer Lantos Skeen
Crane Larsen (WA) Skelton
Crenshaw Larson (CT) Slaughter
Crowley Latham Smith (MI)
Cubin LaTourette Smith (NJ)
Culberson Leach Smith (TX)
Cummings Lee Smith (WA)
Cunningham Levin Snyder
Davis (CA) Lewis (CA) Solis
Davis (FL) Lewis (GA) Souder
Davis (IL) Lewis (KY) Spratt
Davis, Jo Ann Linder Stark
Davis, Tom Lipinski Stenholm
Deal LoBiondo Strickland
DeFazio Lofgren Stump
DeGette Lowey Stupak
Delahunt Lucas (KY) Sullivan
DeLauro Lucas (OK) Sununu
DeLay Luther Sweeney
DeMint Lynch Tancredo
Deutsch Maloney (CT) Tanner
Diaz-Balart Maloney (NY) Tauscher
Dicks Manzullo Tauzin
Dingell Markey Taylor (MS)
Doggett Mascara Taylor (NC)
Dooley Matheson Terry
Doolittle Matsui Thomas
Doyle McCarthy (MO) Thompson (CA)
Dreier McCarthy (NY) Thompson (MS)
Duncan McCollum Thornberry
Dunn McCrery Thune
Edwards McDermott Thurman
Ehlers McGovern Tiahrt
Ehrlich McHugh Tiberi
Emerson McInnis Tierney
Engel McIntyre Toomey
English McKeon Towns
Eshoo McKinney Turner
Etheridge McNulty Udall (CO)
Evans Meehan Udall (NM)
Everett Meek (FL) Upton
Farr Meeks (NY) Velazquez
Fattah Menendez Visclosky
Ferguson Mica Vitter
Filner Millender-McDonald Walden
Flake Miller, Dan Walsh
Fletcher Miller, Gary Wamp
Foley Miller, George Waters
Forbes Miller, Jeff Watkins (OK)
Fossella Mink Watson (CA)
Frank Mollohan Watt (NC)
Frelinghuysen Moore Watts (OK)
Frost Moran (KS) Waxman
Gallegly Moran (VA) Weiner
Ganske Morella Weldon (FL)
Gekas Murtha Weldon (PA)
Gephardt Myrick Weller
Gibbons Nadler Wexler
Gilchrest Napolitano Whitfield
Gillmor Neal Wicker
Gilman Nethercutt Wilson (NM)
Gonzalez Ney Wilson (SC)
Goode Northup Wolf
Goodlatte Norwood Woolsey
Gordon Nussle Wu
Goss Oberstar Wynn
Graham Obey Young (FL)
--- NOES    1 ---

--- PRESENTS    9 ---

Bartlett Ford Paul
Bilirakis Hostettler Simpson
Callahan Otter Young (AK)
--- NOT VOTING    4 ---

Bonior Stearns
Knollenberg Traficant

1,317 posted on 07/24/2002 7:45:45 PM PDT by deport
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To: Defender2
I agree that an overly large government (that's an understatement, I realize) is the base cause of all the corruption.

Condit voting "no" kind of gives me the creeps. I'd love to know what they know... I think. It makes me wonder if Condit was gotten out of the way on purpose, by killing his mistress. Wish we could get rid of every damn one of them, but I guess the voters like them.

1,318 posted on 07/24/2002 7:46:33 PM PDT by agrandis
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To: Constitution Day
You're welcome!
1,319 posted on 07/24/2002 7:46:57 PM PDT by Rebelbase
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To: deport
"NOES?????" When did that spelling become vogue?

I wonder how many of the ayes voted against impeachment of Clinton.

1,320 posted on 07/24/2002 7:49:27 PM PDT by agrandis
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