He does have a point about "Proportional Representation", though.
The Founders, fearing the influence of Partisan Politics, made no provision for Proportional Representation, preferring instead a "winner-takes-all" system. Unfortunately, that System has degenerated into a Two-Party Brawl, in which real Constitutionalists receive little true Representation -- just "Winners" who happen to wear their "Republican Team" letter jacket.
Costa Rica, being Proportional in representation, gives 10% of its Congressional Seats to the 10% Libertarian Vote... a base to build upon.
Costa Libertaria --- Definitely a place to watch in the future. On the downside, the Tax Laws take 50% of your money, and the Government Inflation takes another 18%. OUCH!! On the upside, the Gun Laws are already more Libertarian than the USA's, and the Libertarians are gaining in many other areas, as well...
As Drudge says, this story developing hot...