To: Wait4Truth
"People are going to go to jail."
Will some of those people rat on Uncle and Aunty Clinton???
Before any suits go to jail, the Clintons should lead the pack with a life sentence for screwing with the minds and hearts of the American public. Only Satan tells more lies than the previous administration. Not even communist goodbuddy Castro can come close to the level of deception of the Clinton Clan.
Where is the list of The Dead????
75 posted on
07/22/2002 8:52:58 PM PDT by
To: SamBees
"Where is the list of The Dead????"
I don't know, but at this pace, it will make the wall in Washington D.C. look like a short list.
To: SamBees
Nobody rats on the RATS, especially the clintons. They don't want to be on the list of the dead. The media is terrified of the clintons, IMO. If they had any brains, they'd all gather together, out the clintons and start over as a decent media. And yes, I am dreaming. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson