Seems to me that the 96% of the HOMOSEXUALS need to be FORCED to report their SEXUAL partners! CDC at one time was a useful institution when they forced people in the 60/70s to do with all OTHER sexually transmitted diseases - is to REPORT who they had transmitted it to!!!...BUT NOOOOOOOOO we can't do that because the dirty little secret will be that HOMOSEXUALS have sex with nameless folks...they will stick their virus spreader into any orifice on nameless faceless people...they have sex with "glory holes" with unknown people on the other side. The whole LIE of HOMOSEXUALS as loving caring people will be proven to be really sexual deviants! The WHOLE world will have HARD proof that the RUMP RANGERS are the carriers and SPREADERS of this disease and to quarentine them would DENY them their "bathhouses" and other places of rapid transmission of this KILLER disease.
GEEE we wouldn't want to take the only "civil rights issue" away from the LIBREALS...gee you don't THINK that the LEFTISTS don't want the really really dirty secret that they support abhorrant behavior and folks who engage in something so insidious that it actually KILLS people???????