You can read "unproven" here as being a whispering campagin. I have seen NO charges concerning either one of these guys, have you?
The White House staff has put on a full-court press to refute these allegations of private misconduct.
And what, pray tell, are they suppose to do, sit back and let the press, the Democrats, and apparently people in our own party run wild with speculation and unproven, not even credible charges?
Dick Gephardt thanks you for the work you're doing for the DNC. You and Larry Klayman are doing a bang up job of spreading rumors and false allegations -- talk about the politics of personal destruction.
Uh, Howlin, that is why Turley used the word "unproven" in the first place - unlike the libs, who have already convicted Bush and Cheney.
Dick Gephardt thanks you for the work you're doing for the DNC.
Ah, the classic method of questioning motives. It's a sad day when freepers resort to these kind of ad hominem attacks.
You and Larry Klayman are doing a bang up job of spreading rumors and false allegations -- talk about the politics of personal destruction.
You just engaged in such.