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Amid scandals, Bush White House takes a risky path, placing loyalty over public duty.
Philadelphia Inquirer ^
| 7/17/2002
| Jonathan Turley
Posted on 07/17/2002 12:47:25 PM PDT by dirtboy
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To: Howlin; dirtboy
Where's the proof the White House is "reeling?" I'll give you plenty of evidence. On July 8, Bush held a press conference and issued inane and banal defenses of his actions while an officer of Harken energies.
At one point, after already claiming he didn't "know completely" why in the world he filed a notice of intent to sell 8 months after the fact, he had the audacity to claim that "in the corporate world" accounting practices are not always "black and white."
This was hillarious enough that it caused an eruption of laughter from the press corps covering the event. Bush's defiant stare at those who dared laugh was rival to some of Hillary's best efforts in that regard.
They Laughed
posted on
07/17/2002 2:45:15 PM PDT
To: Deb
Now Rebeckie has said that "George W. certainly does seem to insinuate this belief" in answer to my question to her about whether or not she agrees with Larry Klayman that Bush has, in fact, said that Cheney is immune from the law, a quote from Klayman's on Wolf's show on Sunday.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:45:59 PM PDT
To: Deb
Do me a favor and get lost.
To: Deb
Maybe Turley is one of those soft, cuddly, non threatening Gergen/Beschloss/Lerher/Mann libs that wants to be seen to be fair so he can corner the market on being a "non partisan liberal"? A non partisan partisan!! Catchy!!
It could also be temperment as well.Something about him suggests lethargy ;-)And this column suggest a deadline to be met, when he'd rather be sailing in Annapolis and eating steamed crabs ;-)Who wouldn't??
To: FreedominJesusChrist
Sounds like Howlin is trying to deny these plaintiffs their day in court.
To: dirtboy
'Any time the Bush Administration starts to emulate the
Clintonistas, it should give us all a moment of pause. '
Okay, let's consider that statement. If someone were to emulate an ax murderer, I would castigate him. If, however, someone is accused by a liberal press of "unfounded' claims, then I would expect him to defend himself. The above statement about the Bush Adminstration emulating the Clintonistas would have us believe that President Bush is doing something wrong and/or illegal. Can YOU prove that he has?
And, by the way, haven't you heard that President Bush has OFFERED to waive the lawyer/client relationship in the Harken case. Has Clinton EVER done that?
posted on
07/17/2002 2:47:09 PM PDT
To: FreedominJesusChrist
I asked you for George W. Bush's EXACT words that proved what Larry Klayman said, that Bush said Cheney is above the law.
Now, you either post them, or stand affirmed as Klayman's parrot.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:47:09 PM PDT
To: Howlin
My opinion of Klayman's opinion has nothing to do with this thread.
To: FreedominJesusChrist; Demidog
And I don't even know who Demidog is.
Uh check your reply #123, you just gave him a big smooch.
Furthermore, I don't get into bed with anyone, as I am not married
Could have fooled me with your reply #123. Looks like you will jump in the politcal sack with anyone who is anti-Bush, better go answer that phone, Tom Dashcle is calling.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:48:16 PM PDT
To: dirtboy; All
posted on
07/17/2002 2:48:22 PM PDT
To: Registered; Howlin
No surprise here. She, among many others, would like to deny these shareholder's their day in court. Let's leave that up to the presiding judge to decide.
To: FreedominJesusChrist
You stated that Bush insinuated that Cheney was immune from the law. I'm asking you to post his exact words.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:48:50 PM PDT
To: FreedominJesusChrist
But I thought you said let the SEC decide?
I'm perfectly willing for Klayman to have his case in court.....this is not one he is going to be able to hide in the legal boxes in his offices.
This one is going to be all over the news, every single bogus motion. It's going to be covered by the REAL press, not a flash fax from Klayman's office.
And the world is going to see the real Larry Klayman.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:50:46 PM PDT
To: Howlin
"George W. certainly does seem to insinuate this belief" in answer to my question to her about whether or not she agrees with Larry Klayman that Bush has, in fact, said that Cheney is immune from the law, a quote from Klayman's on Wolf's show on Sunday. Bush is head of the justice department that would initiate any criminal investigation into Cheney's actions. His claim that Cheney will be exhonerated is not only grossly improper it smacks of a prediction of which he is powerfull enough to sway the outcome.
When the man who dictates what goes on at Justice predicts that the investigation will turn up nothing, it's pretty much an indication that Cheney is above the law. Hope that helps.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:51:03 PM PDT
To: Dane
Well, I do agree with that statement?
The Bush Administration has shown some serious disrespect for the rule of law in this country. When the Cox Report came out in 1999, Republicans in Congress were pitching a fit about this. Now, a few years later, George W. refuses to hold the Clintons accountable for their treason, and John Ashcroft refuses to investigate Chinagate.
That is hypocrisy.
Treason comes cheap nowadays, I suppose. And even Republicans have short-term memories.
To: Registered
Spoken by the sniffly Keyes worshiper who'd be wailing like a banshee if his candidate had actually gotten elected and the exact same group that is trying to bring down Bush, was claiming Alan Keyes ran his 2000 campaign like Enron and Worldcom.
Isn't it great to be politically impotent? No power. No scandal. No problem.
It pays to be a one percenter!!!
posted on
07/17/2002 2:51:44 PM PDT
To: Registered
You really are pushing hard that Cheney is bent, how come??
Reggie, you have passed beyong being irritating, to being poisonous.
The hate you and your fellow Keysters demonstrate for Bush and his administration places you very near the dogshit that Clinton carried around on his shoe for 8 long years.
To: habs4ever
And this column suggest a deadline to be met Every column written in a newspaper is subject to deadline. How this attacks any facts presented is so far undiscovered.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:52:19 PM PDT
To: Demidog
Total BS.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:53:51 PM PDT
To: Howlin
Watch the video. There's no BS about it. In the aticle I link to the CSPAN archive of said video and provide a link to the trasnscript. Fact. Deal with it. They laughed and rightly so.
posted on
07/17/2002 2:55:20 PM PDT
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