To: bok
"...and make no mistake this nation was founded on the belief in God."
Methinks you are mistaken about that one my friend.
This nation was founded on the belief in Man. The majority of our founding fathers were deists who believed that, while we where created by 'God', 'God' had left the world to its own devices and to function within its natural laws that 'God' created. If anything, they realized the inherit problem in a governance that had ANY kind of DIVINE authority attached to it (e.g. Monarchy) and saw fit to remove that from this experiment that we now inherit.
Best Regards.
23 posted on
07/16/2002 4:15:31 AM PDT by
To: anka
The majority of our founding fathers were deistsThat's a lie. Only two of the Founders were deists.
To: anka
The majority of our founding fathers were deists who believed that... You are as delusional and revisionist about the founding of this country as the homo preacher in the story above is about the Bible.
To: anka
The majority of our founding fathers were deists who believed that That's why 52 of the 55 members of the Constitutional convention were active memebers of a CHIRSTIAN church.
Yep them deists .....
To: anka
The majority of our founding fathers were deists...Some lies don't get accepted regardless of how often they are repeated.
To: anka
If anything, they realized the inherit problem in a governance that had ANY kind of DIVINE authority attached to it (e.g. Monarchy) and saw fit to remove that from this experiment that we now inherit.The aggressive ouster of religion and Judeo-Christian-based virtue from public life--including government--is a recent phenomenon, tracing back a mere 60 years or so. In the place of religion we now have feminism, so-called gay rights, the pornography explosion, abortion on demand, single-parent families, and suffocating nanny statism.
Atheists have remade this nation in their own twisted, self-worshipping, godless image. That is why the Constitution is fraying. John Adams, among others, prophesied that would be the destiny of this nation if its people rejected God. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson