Fair question, mille. I never really did - until what homosexuals wanted started to affect my kids. I'm sure you're aware of all that the Boy Scouts has been through in the past couple of years. We had a similar situation here in town, where (after the Supreme Court ruled that the scouts doesn't have to accept homosexual scoutmasters) a young active homosexual male decided out of the blue (with loud support from the Reformed Jewish temple in town) he wanted to be an assistant scoutmaster in my sons' troop. First, this couldn't happen, because the national organization wouldn't allow it. But they wanted to meet. I met with them and laid out my honest reasons against it: 1) I wouldn't let my teenage daughter go out on overnight camping trips in close quarters with heterosexual men; therefore I wouldn't allow my teenage sons to do the same with a man who has a sexual attraction to men (and likely, teenage boys); 2) I didn't want my sons to be influenced by the way homosexuals think (wow, that man over there's got a great ass.. or whatever); 3) the vast, vast majority of parents want male role models for their children who advance heterosexuality and family life. I was never rude to anyone, but I was called a 'hater', 'bigot', 'monster' etc.etc. I was told repeatedly that this young man had a 'right' to be in close quarters with my sons. - The same in school. You agree that homosexuality is not normal - but now that's being taught in many, many public schools. In some schools, teenagers are actually encouraged to go out and try homosexual sex. In short, this never mattered to me much until homosexuals started 1) to try to get involved with the upbringing of my kids and 2) to try and inculcate them with values which are far from my own. Finally, my beloved Church has been eaten away at from the inside by hundreds a homosexual molester priests who've spiritually and physically raped thousands of teenage boys. They are entitled to their own lives. They do not have the right to get near or influence my children in any way. I would say to them, please live and let live as well. I'm angry about the Boy Scout thing, and I'm boiling mad about the Catholic Church thing.