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To: NoLongerLurker
The most important part of the Harken Oil deal and Goerge W. Bush is that he sold his stock shortly after the Emir of Bahrain announced that Harken has been awarded a contract to develop an off shore oil field in that country.

On June 22, 1990, Bush sold 212,140 shares of Harken at $4 a share, for a total sale of $848,560.

Don't you think maybe he needed the money to invest in the Rangers and that's why he sold when he did?

After working on his father's successful 1988 presidential campaign, he assembled the group of partners that purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989.

Bush used the proceeds of the Harken sale to pay off a loan he took to buy his interest in the Texas Rangers baseball team.

36 posted on 07/14/2002 5:46:35 AM PDT by Toddsterpatriot
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To: Toddsterpatriot
Everything you say is correct.

However, the Bahraini announcement of the off shore drilling contract boosted the value of Bush's shares several fold. It was designed to put a large amount of money in Bush's hands.

That it was basically a scam is shown by two factors: a) Harken had no off shore drilling experience, and b) Harken never drilled a single well off shore in Barhain on the basis of that contract.

[Sometimes I think that a Republican President could murder someone in view of witnesses and most Freepers would find a way to deny or excuse it].

40 posted on 07/15/2002 6:57:29 AM PDT by NoLongerLurker
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