I'm not a bush-hater, nor am I a slobbering bush-bot.
I have a problem with the way our government is being run.
Because of the socialistic "eltitlement programs", the waste of Americans' hard-earned dollars on a ridiculous foreign policy of buying friends and illegal campaign dollars, the incremental dismantling of the Constitution, the confiscatory tax system, and the general dishonesty of our leaders, I can clearly never vote for a democrat.
When I look at the actions of the gop leadership, I see little that will change the blob-like advances of government.
At least the rnc is being honest about it now. They no longer have much interest in reducing the size & scope of government. they have moved on to election year politics as a dail;y agenda. Gone is the "Contract with America" which was but a good first step toward returning the power of government back to the people.
Gone is the pledge to reduce taxes, the overall tax burden on each of us is at a record high, and gone are the concepts of fiscal responsibility and accountability.
I cannot support or vote for any candidate who's positions I do not agree with.
I've seen ZERO gop candidates here in my city who are worthy of my vote in the past couple elections.
Unless that changes, I will have no choice but to seek other candidates who I feel would best represent me, my district, my state, and my nation.
Ron Paul in 2004
Not ashamed of it one bit if it makes me out to be a slobbering Bush-Bot so be it.....
Thanks Jim for this thread...