For those who would like to find out the facts and issues involved in this case, I am providing some links to resources:
Here is a file of documentation related to Benke's participation in the interfaith prayer service, "A Prayer for America." I compiled this file over several months (September-January):
Here are a couple of pieces I wrote recently on Benke's participation in the interfaith prayer service:
The Underlying Premise of Interfaith Services
Report on Lutherans was one-sided
Here are some more links:
Your comments were right in the money.
I just received an e-mail from Reclaim News and I see that Kieschnick is going to try to overturn Benke's suspension.
I pray daily for our beloved LCMS.
Please, stay away from interfaith services, by all means. Keep yourself in your church, and pray there with the saved, you'll do the world the most good that way.