If so much as ONE AMERICAN CITIZEN standing in line at a United Airlines counter in Manila, Philippines was gunned down by a lone, Filipino Muslim who was later gunned down, would the US State Department declare that:
America has a terrible double standard that is going to make it an enemy of many good allies. We restrain Israel for going after terrorist cells which we most certainly would have done ourselves. We call terrorism something else because Americans were not killed and it was at a foreign carrier's counter.
We are asking for it in the court of world opinion, IMHO.
The same applies to the recent bombing of our embassy in Pakistan; no Americans killed, so the president ignores the fact that American property was destroyed, and Americans targeted, to lament the fact that Muslims were killed by fellow Muslims.
I see no difference in this approach than in Clinton's approach to the embassy bombings and the attack on the Cole. Instead of outrage, we tiptoe through the diplomatic minefield, hoping nothing more blows up until the memory fades.
Perhaps that's the reason these things don't occur in rapid succession -- they can mock the worldest greatest superpower through well-spaced attacks.