And, to JimRob, whose spirit and lover of liberty mirrors that of the founders of this nation, SALUTE!
Been searching some historical websites and finding more information about America's history and its roots in the love of liberty.
Found This Website: Archiving Early America which has several flash "movies" on historical subjects, including the Declaration of Independence and the life of George Washington.
Here is another link to a site called Igniting Freedom's Flame concerning the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolutionary War (which was last summer). Good info here including this graphic:
(sorry I missed this celebration last summer on the mall in DC - I bet some Freepers were there.
I know there is a PBS documentary today on the life of George Washington, discussed in several threads including This one re: the PBS program tonight at 9:30 called "The Man Who Made Independence Happen"
Will try to post other links to the best historical websites re: America's Birth and the people and ideals who brought her into being. Of course, behind it all, was the guiding hand of God in our founding, whose miraculous interventions at critical points along the road to freedom are simply amazing to discover and to contemplate, leading us to truly be
One Nation, Under God
Yes, please do! That's what we want this thread to be about today. And, thank you for searching out these great sites for us and for the links you have posted this morning.