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To: OrthodoxPresbyterian
Peter himself did not believe in "Petrine Supremacy"; rather, Peter reported to James (Acts 12:17)"
I will cite this error as yet another example of why it is impossible to have an exchange with you. Anyone can read Acts 12:17 and see it refers to Peter, after being freed from prison by an angel,going to the house of Mary, the mother of John, and when they answer the door upon which he has been knocking, he tells them how the Lord brought him out of prison and he tells them to inform James and the brethren about the events.

Now, OP, in your twisted view, that Scripture somehow is tortured to mean that Peter is "reporting to James." That is, quite simply, insane.
I knew I was wrong to even make the attempt to have an exchange with you and it is a mistake I won't ever make again. Goodbye
70 posted on 07/05/2002 5:57:11 AM PDT by Catholicguy
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To: Catholicguy; OrthodoxPresbyterian
Well, certainly a novel playing of the "thou-art-insane" theological trump card.

Hopefully, OPie won't be too crushed to retort...
71 posted on 07/05/2002 6:42:15 AM PDT by George W. Bush
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To: Catholicguy; George W. Bush
Now, OP, in your twisted view, that Scripture somehow is tortured to mean that Peter is "reporting to James." That is, quite simply, insane.

The Scripture says what it says: Peter reported to James. The other apostles were afterthoughts by comparison.

Just like in Acts 21:18, when Paul goes to see the Council, and all the Bishops were present. But does Paul give a whit about Peter's presence? No, Paul could not care less about Peter; James is the Head Poohbah of Acts 21:18, and the Bible says so. Which accounts for Peter's FEAR of James in Galatians 2. Some "pope"!!

You know these verses annihilate your position. So, you now tuck your tail between your legs and run back to Rome, even though you now know for a fact that her claims are lies. Think about what that means for your soul, CG.....

I knew I was wrong to even make the attempt to have an exchange with you and it is a mistake I won't ever make again. Goodbye.

Huh. (OP snorts derisively, blows the smoke from his theological six-shooters). Another one bites the dust.


73 posted on 07/05/2002 7:35:05 AM PDT by OrthodoxPresbyterian
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