And that sweaty shot?? could be right out of GQ!
Will, for instance, President Bush be equal to the task of restoring corporate credibility? Or will he suffer from the perception that he is owned by the oil companies because he named an embarrassing number of former Enron executives to his administration; allowed them extraordinary influence and access at the White House; picked a fellow oil man to be his vice president and is advised by a Treasury secretary, former Alcoa chairman Paul O'Neill, who typifies the business culture with which Bush's presidency is infected and the entitlements it imagines are owed it?
What a presumptuous piece of sh*t. I've fired off my letters to the editor. Gee, Mr. Reno, what about Bill Clinton and his sleepovers, what about all the money Bill Clinton poured in Enron via the Export-Import bank, what about the time Ken Lay stayed at Camp David with Bill Clinton, what about the $25,000 per seat trade junkets with Ron Brown? What about the ultimate player in the pump and dump stock market of the late 90s? Hey, what about that player? Why, it was none other than Robert Rubin of GoldmanSachs who were the biggest cheerleaders for the new economy and the rising stock market. Say, wasn't Robert Rubin Treasury Secretary? And why all the trashing of Harvey Pitt? Where was Arthur Levitt while all this was going down, eh? Oh yeah, he was up on capitol hill all the time trying to push through legislation which wouldn't be necessary if he was doing his actual job of oversight! Sheeeeeeeet!!!! This makes me so mad. I could just scream. AAACKKKKKK!
Because he actually is worried about global warming. The women on this thread have single handedly raised the global tempeture at least 10 degrees.