To: ohioWfan; mtngrl@vrwc; Freedom'sWorthIt; All
I don't mean to do a lawgirl imitation here, but (faint) it's gotten awfully hot in here, and the CAC is already cranked up. What a good looking man - in GOLF CLOTHES - our Prez is. Whew! Laura is one lucky lady, I'm thinking.
I have to go set up the VCR to catch the end of Brit's show so that I can see that wonderful "laundry" comment, and Laura's reaction.
Good night y'all. Have a safe and sane 4th!
To: TruthNtegrity; rintense; All
Yes, these golf pictures are, uh, "hot".......
And I didn't know about the ....uh.....comment - so always glad to get "educated" at the dose! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson