1) Scientists are correct about the ancient age of the earth.
2) Young-earth creationists are correct about the young age of the earth, but God went out of his way to falsify literally millions of pieces of evidence that any sane, logical observer would interpret as evidence of an ancient earth, either as some sort of weird test of faith or as a simple practical joke. Is that a God worth worshipping? I think not.
If God made rocks and trees and a core and a mantle, etc, they took the forms he chose them to take. If man comes along and makes inferences into those forms, with a bias towards "evolution", than one can postulate just about anything and any age.
If one accepts the basic supposition that God made the Universe, and Earth as a HABITAT for people, (and not people coincidently being a bi-product of earth) then he would make that habitat livable and pleasant and orderly. It would have a ready-made "geology". No?