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Gang-rape of teenager ordered as punishment for brother's sins
ABCNewsOnline ^ | 7/2/02 | Anon

Posted on 07/01/2002 4:32:35 PM PDT by What Is Ain't

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To: strela
It seems that important inventions attributed to Arabs were borrowed from the Indians.



Numerals are found in the inscriptions of Ashoka The Great in the 3rd Century BC. This knowledge traveled from there to Europe and West. In Arab countries even now numerals are known as HINDSE: from India. La place, the French mathematician and physicist, wrote during Napoleon’s time, "It is India that gave us the ingenious method of expressing all numbers by means of ten symbols" - Prof. O.M. Mathew in Bhavan’s Journal


Brahmagupta was the first mathematician to treat ZERO (0) as a number and showed its mathematical operations


Arithmetic was discovered by Indians in about 2nd Century BC. Bhaskaracharya’s book Lilavathi is regarded as the first book on modern arithmetic. The Arabs learnt and adopted it from India and spreaded it to Europe. "In 499 AD Aryabhatta finished his work Aryabhatt, giving rules of Arithmetic" (Encyclopedia Britannica)


In Western Europe the knowledge of Algebra was borrowed, not from Greece but from Arabs, who acquired this from India. Algebra is the only Arabic name for Bijaganitha. "Aryabhatta was one of the first to use Algebra" (Encyclopedia Britannica)


The brick work of Harappa and Mohenjodaro excavations show that people of ancient India (2500 BC) possessed knowledge of Geometry. Aryabhatta formulated the rules for finding the area of a ‘triangle’, which led to the origin of Trignometry.


The knowledge of the motion of heavenly bodies was discovered by Aryabhatta (499 AD), Latadeva (505 AD) and Brahmagupta (628 AD), for calculating the timing of eclipses. In "Surya Sidhanta’ Latadeva, talked about the earth’s axis and called it SUMERU. "That the earth is a sphere and it rotates on its own axis", was known to Varahamihira and other Indian astronomers much before Copernicus published this theory. (Jewish Encyclopedia)


Discovery of measurement of time and discovery of nomenclature of days, month and years and invention of calendar making was made in India. In his book ‘Surya Sidhanta’ Latadeva (505 AD) divided the year into 12 months. Seven planets of the solar system effect the earth’s atmosphere and their names were added to the seven days of the week, which was accepted all over the world.


In his book ‘Sidhanta Shiromani’ Bhaskaracharya mentions about force of attraction resembling gravity, discovered centuries later by Newton. (Jewish Encyclopedia)


The word AYAS occurs in the four Vedas which denotes iron. Ashoka pillar at Mehrauli, New Delhi and another iron pillar in Karnataka stand proof of India’s metallurgical heritage (A study published in the magazine ‘The Current Science’).


The copper and bronze artifacts dates back to Indus Valley Civilization (2500 BC). According to treatise RASARATNAKAR, zinc was made in around 50 BC at Zawar in Rajasthan (India).


Chemistry known as RASAYAN SHASTRA was invented in India. Elphinstone wrote in his book ‘History of India’, "They (ancient Indians) know how to prepare the sulphate of copper, zinc and iron and carbonates of lead and iron". RASAVIDYA or Indian alchemy made its appearance around 5th Century AD (National Science Centre, New Delhi)


Here is a timeline for your amusement.

Benchmarks in Islamic History

URL: (

632 C.E. Muhammad dies in Mecca. The period of the Muslim conquest dates from this time. His successor Abu Bakr sends Muslim armies into Syria and Iraq.

638 The "Covenant of Umar," a pact between Umar Ibn Khatib and the Christians of Jerusalem is concluded on the occasion of the conquest of that city by the Muslims. Umar decreed that Muslims should forever thereafter guarantee Christians freedom of religion, use of their churches for worship, and the right to visit holy places. In another version, Umar rescinded the Roman decrees which had banished Jews from Jerusalem and accorded Jews all the rights granted Christians.

641 Egypt is conquered by the Muslim general, Amr, who builds a new capital, Misr al-Fustat, ("city of the tent"): the future Cairo.

656 - 661 Caliphate of Ali Ibn Talib, cousin of the prophet, also son-in law by virtue of his marriage to Muhammad's daughter, Fatima. Ali moved the Arab capital from Medina to Kufah in southern Iraq. His sons were Husayn (martyred in 680), and Hasan (who died in 669). During Ali's caliphate, the split in the Muslim umma intensified over this question: should a direct familial descendant of Muhammad, or a selected leader from his tribe become caliph? The two chief factions in Islam appeared at this point: the Shiites ("partisans") i.e. partial to the caliph Ali and his descendants through Husayn) favoring the first option (today only 15% of all Muslims), and the Sunni ("orthodox") favoring the second path.

Ali angered the Kharijites when, following an inconclusive military engagement with the Umayyads (the Battle of Siffin in 658), he agreed to submit his dispute with the Umayyads to arbitration, a contest that was decided in favor of the more powerful party, the Umayyads. The enraged Kharijites responded by murdering Ali in Kufah in 661.

661 - 750 The Umayyad Caliphs rule from Damascus.

711 The Umayyad conquest of Spain begins. Islam reaches India (Indus river). Christian decrees against the Jews in Spain are reversed by the Muslim conquerors. Jews living in the region begin to think the dark times are over as they are invited by the Arabs to join in the creation of what will become one of the most glorious cultures of the middle ages.

c. 675 - c. 749 Life of John of Damascus (Yahnah ibn Mansur ibn Sargun), an Arab Christian. In his Concerning Heresies, he catalogued one hundred and three heresies that in his view had departed from the Christian faith. Islam is listed as number "101" in the sequence. The idol worshipping Arabs, John says, were converted by "a false prophet named Mohammed." John's writings constitute the earliest Christian anti-Muslim polemic on record.

750 - 1258 Period of the Abbasid Caliphs who rule from Baghdad, the world's first truly Muslim city, constructed according to Islamic architectural principles. The Abbasids launched Islam's first "revolution" in their successful struggle to overthrow the Umayyad dynasty. In doing so, they relied for propagandistic purposes upon their own versions of the history of Muhammad's own struggle against his enemies in Arabia. In these, the earliest histories of Islam's origins on record, the Abbasids argued that their ways were more faithful to the tradition of Muhammad's original community of believers than those of the Umayyads.

After 945, the Abbasids will begin a lengthy period of decline. By this date, a new Shiite dynasty (the Buyids) has taken over the Abbasid caliphate Baghdad, while rival caliphates have been set up in Tunis (the Fatimids), and Cordoba (the Umayyads).

1055 Seljuk Turks from Central Asia, non-Muslim cousins of the Mongols, take Baghdad and rule on behalf of the Abbasid caliphate. They convert to Islam and become Sunni Muslims. So begins a Sunni revival in Baghdad after a century of Shiite rule. Paradoxically, in one of Islam's darkest political times the Islamic faith itself scores one of its greatest victories (a paradox we will see repeated in the cases of the Mongols of the thirteenth century and the Ottoman Turks of the fourteenth). The Seljuk ruler, Tughril, calls himself al-sultan ("the power"). Thus is born the office of the sultanate which will last until 1924. At that time it will be abolished together with the caliphate by Turkey's first president, Mustapha Kemal.

1095 Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade to liberate Christian holy places from the Muslim "infidels." The crusades will be waged off and on until 1291.

1098 A Christian state is established in Edessa by the crusader king, Baldwin I. In December of this year, crusader forces led by Raymond de Saint Gilles, Count of Toulousse, and Bohemond, the Frankish governor of Antioch massacre the entire population of the Syrian town of Ma'arra al-Numan (10,000 people). The starving crusaders cannibalized some of their victims. Go to First Crusade for more.

1258 Baghdad falls to Hulegu and the Mongols. 800,000 citizens of the city are slaughtered. The independent, medieval caliphate ends. The Christian West was at first jubilant at the advance of the Mongols whom they expected would convert to Christianity and provide pressure on the Muslim empire from the East. To their horror, the Mongols converted to Islam instead.

1260 Battle of Ayn Jalut in Palestine. The Mongol advance is stopped by the Mamluks led by the Egyptian Mamluk general Baybars. Syria falls under the control of the Mamluks.

1453 The Ottomans under Sultan Mahmet II conquer Constantinople. This is the end of the Byzantine Roman empire.

1469 The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon to Isabella of Castille permanently unites two chief kingdoms of Spain. Mass expulsions of Jews from Spain begin. Beginning at this time, Muslims are forcibly converted to Christianity (the conversos). Muslims, and Jews, too, flee or are arrested by the Inquisition.

1517 The Ottomans take Egypt and Syria. Mamluk rule comes to an end. An Ottoman protectorate is established over the holy places in Arabia. Palestine falls under Ottoman control until 1917. The beginning of the Ottoman Empire dates to this time. It will formally end with the defeat of the Ottomans and the conclusion of World War I in 1918.

1798 Napoleon invades Egypt. However, this same year, the British fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson destroys the French fleet in the harbor of Aboukir, east of Alexandria, cutting off Bonaparte's supply lines. Bonaparte heads back for France leaving his expeditionary force in the East to fend for themselves.

1799 Napoleon's coup d'état in France. Muhammad Ali at the head of an Ottoman expeditionary force of Albanian troops tries unsuccessfully to drive Napoleon's forces out of Egypt. He will succeed, with British help, two years later.

1830 Algiers falls to the French.

Late 1800s European colonial activity in the Middle East reaches its peak. (Go to Colonialism in Africa and the Middle East for more.)

1857 The Sepoy Mutiny in India paves the way for the creation of the Dar-ul-Uloom ("House of Knowledge) in Deoband, India in 1866. It will grow to become the world's second largest center of Islamic learning (after Cairo's al-Azhar). Deobandi learning will spread throughout Asia, especially in Pakistan and Afghanistan in the twentieth century. Deobandi madrassas ("religious schools") will graduate scholars who will found Afghanistan's Taliban ("student") movement which will rule Afghanistan through the middle 1990s.

1911 On October 3rd, the Italian fleet shells Turkish forts in Tripoli (Libya). The aerial bomber is born in Libya on November 1st when an Italian pilot throws a hand grenade out of the cockpit of his plane at tribesmen.

1912 The Ottomans cede Libya to the Italians.

1917 Following the surrender of the Turks to the British during World War I, Great Britain and France divide up the domains of the former Ottoman Empire into spheres of influence called "mandates." From 1917 until 1948, Palestine is governed by a series of British High Commissioners. Britain is caught in the middle between Jews who have begun immigrating into Israel in great numbers, and the Arab inhabitants. 90% of the population in Palestine at this time is Arab.

The French administer the affairs of Syria and Lebanon through much of this period although not without resistance. Their practice of playing factions off against one another in order to facilitate their own rule was responsible for destabilizing the political life of the fledgling nations (leading, for example, to a series of coups in Syria after World War II and to devastating civil wars in Lebanon in 1958 and again from 1975 until 1989).

1922 Egypt gains its independence from Great Britain and Fuad I is crowned king.

1923 - 1931 The second Italo-Sanusi War is fought in Libya (the first was fought as part of World War I between Ottoman troops and Sanusi tribesmen on one side and British and Italian forces on the other). Benito Mussolini had risen to power in Italy in October of 1922.

1931 The second Italo-Sanusi War ends in Libya with the hanging of Libyan freedom fighter, Umar Mukhtar, who had led Sanusi tribesmen in their bid to win back their country from Fascist Italy. His captor, Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, will be tried and imprisoned after World War II.

1941 Founding of Jama'at al-Islami ("The Islamic Party") in Lahore, Pakistan by Sayyid Abu'l A'la Mawdudi and others.

1948 Following the British pullout from Palestine, a United Nations plan to partition the country into Jewish and Arab states fails to win Arab acceptance (more on why). Israel proclaims its statehood and the first war erupts between the new nation and surrounding Arab states.

1952 Revolution in Egypt results in the abdication of King Farouk and the beginning of rule by a committee of army officers under the complete control of Colonel Gamal Abd al-Nasser.

1956 Following Egyptian President Nasser's nationalization of the Suez Canal, Israel, France, and Great Britain attack Egypt in what is known as the Second Arab-Israeli war.

1967 The Third Arab-Israeli War begins when Israel attacks Egypt and ends after six days in a devastating defeat of the Arabs. Egyptian President Nasser's dream of pan-Arab unity ends. Israel occupies the Arab West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem and refuses to abide by United Resolution 242 demanding that Arab sovereignty over these areas be restored. Muslim response to this nakba ("catastrophe") as it came to be known leads increasingly throughout the rest of the twentieth century to the embrace of Muslim values and a steady turning away from both socialist and modern Western lifestyles and modes of governing.

1973 The Fourth Arab-Israeli War is launched against Israel by Egypt and Syria and leads to a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel (the 1979 Camp David Agreement).

1979 Revolution breaks out in Iran. Secular rule is replaced by an Islamic (Shiite) regime under the spiritual leadership of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The American embassy in Tehran is seized by Iranian students (some of whom are graduates of American universities) with the full support of the revolutionary forces and 63 U.S. hostages are taken. The success of Muslims in Iran inspires revivalist Islamic groups throughout the Middle East who yearn to replace the secular regimes in their countries with Islamic ones and especially yearn to return Jerusalem to Muslim sovereignty.

1990-1991 The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq under Saddam Hussein provokes an American-led campaign to liberate Kuwait known as "The Gulf War." Speaking in Alabama in April following the allied victory over Iraq, President George Bush (senior) proclaims the beginning of a "new world order."

2001 The suicide airliner attacks of September 11 on targets in the United States by terrorists alleged to be members of Usama bin Laden's al-Qaeda ("The Foundation") network lead to massive air and land assaults in October on Afghanistan where bin Laden was believed to be living under the protection of the ruling Taliban movement. Within weeks, the Taliban are deposed and a new interim government is installed.

One source attributes the invention of algebra to the year 722. ("Algebra was invented by the Arabs around the year 100 ( by their calendar; ours puts the date at 722" - URL: However, if the Indians were the originators, it can hardly be accurately said that the Arabs invented algebra. That is like saying Columbus discovered America when there were people already living here.

381 posted on 07/01/2002 10:44:52 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: Jhoffa_; LindaSOG; Byron_the_Aussie
That is a funny one about drinking camel's urine. I have seen it a couple of times on F.R. It is true that in Mohammed's time the tribesmen followed their camels and drank their milk and urine, they were living that Beduin lifestyle.

In Australia, stockmen and explorers used to drink their horses' urine. Living in a desert country, and being out in places where there is no one to help you - you help yourself - they made the discovery that the urine of a healthy animal is sterile. If you don't believe it's possible, I'll take you on a trip to Willcannia, or some place like that, and leave you out in the sun for a while. See if you don't change your mind (grin!)

Old timers in the bush, if they didn't like the taste of some drink, would spit and say "tastes like horse piss." (It is true isn't it Byron. Come on mate - back me up!) Unbelievably, some of them were speaking from experience.
382 posted on 07/01/2002 10:46:55 PM PDT by BlackVeil
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To: zoyd

You were whining to TPaine.. in a school marm, lunchroom monitor fashion.

It sounded like: "see, see TPaine.. See what he did? Huh? Well get him! Get him!"

That's hardly an argument and you hardly deserve the indignation soapbox over this one.

383 posted on 07/01/2002 10:49:40 PM PDT by Jhoffa_
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To: Don Myers
No mention of the The Battle of Worcester, the Roundheads, or King Charles?
384 posted on 07/01/2002 10:52:35 PM PDT by Cultural Jihad
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To: Cultural Jihad
"No mention of the The Battle of Worcester, the Roundheads, or King Charles?"

If you want to do a study of that history, go to a good search engine. I am sure that you can find something to your liking.

385 posted on 07/01/2002 10:53:48 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: Jhoffa_
You were whining to TPaine.. in a school marm, lunchroom monitor fashion. It sounded like: "see, see TPaine.. See what he did? Huh? Well get him! Get him!"

Gee, such a wonderfully creative mind you have. 'school marm, lunchroom monitor fashion.'

Is it not possible that I was 1) making a joke to tpaine, 2) pointing out that CJ is as nonsensical as ever, 3) was pointing him to a post that is as ridiculous as I've ever seen from CJ (and wanted to make sure he saw it), and 4) simply pointing anyone who wants a taste of CJ to a post that exemplifies his thinking?

Of course, you resort to the idea that I'm begging, hoping for an ally... when no one is attacking me on the thread? I'm sorry if pointing to idiotic posts disturbs you, but I find plenty of reasons to do so.

Maybe you see it as a 'whine' because you're so fond of it yourself? A little projection? I'm done with you, as you seem intent only on being antagonistic towards me.

Did I piss over myself over CJ defending strela? No, but you pissed all over yourself trying to depict me as something I'm not. Great job.

386 posted on 07/01/2002 10:57:13 PM PDT by zoyd
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To: zoyd

Why, yes..

That was my point..


387 posted on 07/01/2002 10:58:41 PM PDT by Jhoffa_
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To: Jhoffa_
No 'problem'. --- My 'point' here is CJs hypocrisy, just as I said.

-- You have reading problems?
388 posted on 07/01/2002 11:02:06 PM PDT by tpaine
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To: Jhoffa_
That was my point..

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you're wrong. I gave you the four main reasons for posting the reference. Maybe if you gain a sense of humor sometime you'll understand the reference.

PS: the only 'lunchroom' behavior I see is you being CJ's lapdog, fighting his battles for him.

389 posted on 07/01/2002 11:03:13 PM PDT by zoyd
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To: Jhoffa_
You do realize, of course, that you have the Libertarians after you?
390 posted on 07/01/2002 11:04:25 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: tpaine

You are going to have to be specific.

Unlike your lapdogs I will disagree with CJ if I.. well disagree.

As I have already on this thread..

(and PS: I didn't have to whine and bring in all my pals to do it either.. I did it all by myself. )

391 posted on 07/01/2002 11:05:29 PM PDT by Jhoffa_
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To: Don Myers

Yes, I know... and sodomy frightens me..

392 posted on 07/01/2002 11:07:08 PM PDT by Jhoffa_
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To: Jhoffa_
Yeah, well, it is my bedtime. The Muslims seem to have gone to bed, now. Later.
393 posted on 07/01/2002 11:08:00 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: Cultural Jihad
Baby talk won't get you out of this one, you santimonious clown.
394 posted on 07/01/2002 11:08:12 PM PDT by tpaine
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To: zoyd
Oh, go nibble some buns will you..

Tpaine is here and your thread is safe.

395 posted on 07/01/2002 11:08:50 PM PDT by Jhoffa_
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To: tpaine
"Baby talk won't get you out of this one, you santimonious clown."

Why is it that whenever a Libertarian doesn't know what to say, he always resorts to name-calling. A mind is always a pleasure to lose for a Libertarian, isn't it? I think that is why they are so "high" on drugs.

396 posted on 07/01/2002 11:10:05 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: Jhoffa_
You're a riot. For all I know, tpaine has no idea who I am. I'm not buddies with him, I've never met him, never talked to him... nothing. He's just a poster I happened to agree with. You've devolved it into some playground scheme (and making it more of a playground argument with every post), and it just doesn't wash. I would guess that tpaine is an LP member, but I don't know. In fact, I thought I was in agreement with you on this issue, but you start out with the antagonistic BS... I don't understand you at all. tpaine can fight his battles just fine without my input -- but you somehow want to tie me to him.

Isn't it possible, POSSIBLE, in your world, that I thought CJ's #208 deserved a look? That maybe tpaine missed that gem, and I was pointing him to it? Nah, not in your world. It's all about who's on who's side...

397 posted on 07/01/2002 11:11:04 PM PDT by zoyd
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To: Don Myers
Anyway, Hoffa, Libertarians cannot put up a good fight. They seem to gravitate to stamping their feet and sticking out their tongues. It is really an amusing sight. Goodnight.
398 posted on 07/01/2002 11:11:42 PM PDT by Don Myers
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To: Don Myers
Spam was best by Hormel. -- Myers did best sticking to baloney.
399 posted on 07/01/2002 11:11:56 PM PDT by tpaine
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To: zoyd
Look, I took it as calling in the national guard to put out a campfire.

If you wish to disagree, fine.

400 posted on 07/01/2002 11:12:25 PM PDT by Jhoffa_
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