Evergreen Freedom Foundation
A Non-Profit Public Policy Research Organization
P.O. Box 552, Olympia, WA 98507
(360) 956-3482, www.effwa.org
July 2, 2002
To: Media
From: Marsha Richards, Communications Director
It came to my attention today that the National Education Association is responding to yesterday's default judgment against them by claiming EFF filed false documents in a court of law. This shocking and serious claim is the union's excuse for missing the court deadline, and I wanted you to have the response of our general counsel for background information on this issue. Here is her statement:
"The documentation provided to the court does not include "false information." The representations made in the file were reviewed and verified by Superior Court Judge Gary Tabor before he signed the order of default. No superior court judge would sign an order for default if any of the documents presented were not in perfect order, appropriate to be relied upon by the court, and in accord with all the rules and regulations governing such procedures.
"NEA's attempt to blame their obvious neglect on EFF or the court is unprofessional and possibly borders on an actionable claim against them for libel, slander or some other claim. NEA attorneys should accept responsibility for their own mistakes and move forward to address the matter/issue at hand."
Jeanne A. Brown, General Counsel, EFF
The NEA did respond to our charges, albeit a bit late. The court deadline was June 23. On July 1, apparently unaware of the default judgment (an $800,000 fine and a permanent court injunction barring them from collecting agency fees in Washington state), union attorneys filed a motion asking the court to dismiss the entire case against them on a technicality. This despite the fact that staff of Washington's Public Disclosure Commission had found the union guilty of violating the law before EFF took the case.
To read the NEA's statement, visit:
To read EFF's press release on the judgment against the NEA, visit:
As always, feel free to call me anytime if you have questions or comments about this issue!
Marsha Richards
Communications Director
Evergreen Freedom Foundation
P.O. Box 552
Olympia, WA 98507
(360) 956-3482