These are only five of the FRiends who are no longer with us, but they are the only photos I had and the most recent. BCM and BKO, among the casualties of September 11th; Chief Negotiator, a tragic accident just weeks later; 1John, who is pictured in the very first veteran's group above; and CommiesOut, who passed away just last month. I remember also BC Johnson, EdLinn, RR, OldAtlanta, heavyd, CaseyJay.....familiar names I used to see often on many threads. There are other names on the Memorial Wall some of you may remember: LoveUSA's father, Michael A. Marhevka; laissezfirearm, and JMIRACLE.
Good morning to ya - and a great Saturday for you and yours.
That angel graphic is beautiful. Course I clicked and clicked trying to get it to play a hymn or spiritual music....You have me well