A deputy friend of mine was assaulted at a shopping mall by some perp he had dealth with in the past. He didn't even remember the guy. Perp and his friends were armed, and after knocking myfriend down from behind they threatened his wife. Luckily, several more deputies that had been shopping with them earlier (but had left to go to another store) showed up, drew concealed weapons, and put a stop to everything.
My friend can carry concealed, but had left his pistol in his vehicle for some reason. I bet he never does that again.
What part of "...SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED..." is not understood?
Why should I trust a citizen who doesn't believe in all the Constitution and Bill of Rights?
In the United States the Bureau of Justice research shows inmates serving time in state prisons during 1997 said they obtained their guns from the following sources in percentages:
Purchased from a retail store 8.3 percent
Purchased at a pawn shop 3.8
Purchased at a flea market 1.0
Purchased in a gun show 0.7
Obtained from friends or family 39.6
Got on the street/illegal source 39.2
* Well Damm there goes the gun show loophole argument*