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To: Diver Dave
I am happy to see you Dave and glad you like that we featured RINTENSE.

I have a question about the Pledge ruling...Does that apply to private schools also?

40 posted on 06/27/2002 7:56:13 AM PDT by daisyscarlett
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To: daisyscarlett
What a beautiful vignette of the flag, daisy! (I may have to save that!)
52 posted on 06/27/2002 8:23:04 AM PDT by Billie
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To: daisyscarlett
I have a question about the Pledge ruling...Does that apply to private schools also?

Interesting question and I only have an opinion, not fact in the way of an answer.

At our grandson's school, they recite the Pledge to the U.S. Flag, the Christian Flag, and the Bible.

Now do you suppose that these kindergarten through high school students are smarter and wiser than the 9th Court Justices? Do you believe for even a second that the sanity of the 9th will be accepted by these students? I don't think so. These kids and teachers, I hope, are not going to accept being able to pledge to the Christian Flag and the Bible without also pledging to Old Glory.

What would happen if students throughout the 9th district, or the whole country if it comes to that, question their teachers as to why they can't say the pledge? How is a teacher or administrator going to explain in terms that these youth will accept? A simple "It's the Law" will not satisfy the multitudes, I'm sure.

The Bible tells that "A child shall lead..." Perhaps it's time for a child to lead the nation.

Supposedly the suit was brought because one child "felt bad" for having to say God.

Well, what about the majority who feel bad because they now can't say it?

Boy, It's a good thing we don't have cats. I'm so upset I need to go kick something.

End of rant - for now.

96 posted on 06/27/2002 9:33:48 AM PDT by Diver Dave
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