1. The complete elimination of Palestine and the forced dispersal of the Palestinian people into the neighboring Arab states,
2. The overthrow by force of ALL of the Arab governments in the Middle East which are in support of Islamic fundamentalism,
3. The guarantee of Israel's permanent existence in the Middle East.
We should be sending a message to the Arabs that al-Quaida, and the Arabs by their tolerance - much less support - of Al-Quaida, have ended up causing to happen, by our response, exactly the opposite of that which they were trying to accomplish by attacking us. That is the only message which these infantile barbarians on the fringe of the Empire are capable of understanding, and for us to acquiesce and give them a Palestinian State is therefore exactly the oppositeof the correct response.
If, in the aftermath of 9/11, Bush rewards the Pile-of-slime-ians with a sovereign State under any circumsatances, he is an absolute idiot.