There was also a time when people had been invited but hadn't members were offering to write them to see if they were interested or not....I know the ones that I sent were not like this...but then I don't think they were like anybody elses' either....I just made my own letter up.
I know one person I invited made a point of asking me in private e-mail a little about protocol, and the workings. Matter of fact, when I nominated him, I had to agree to be a mentor for the first month....sort of like a big sister keeping an eye out so my kid brother wouldn't screw up.
I had nothing to worry about....this nominee was and is a real gentlemen, intelligent, able to define or defend his positions, able to provide documentation....not one to just run from thread to thread on a rant, a suck up,or a drooler, either. :)
I'm sorry you had what you consider a bad experience....I always sort of prided myself on taking care of my 'men' {ROTFLMBO--sorry, I'm a woman, and I just feel like lightning up some!}
Not a bad experience.