To: Jim Robinson
Now you're talking! If the leftist socialist liberal communists in our government win; then we have the U.N. calling all the shots (I am deeply concerned over
these results.) The U.N. is currently and quite heavily; pushing for us to usurp our constitution and sovereignty with their global governance/ICC/ AKA New World Order tyrannical ideals.
So the repeal of our entire constitution is at stake at the leftist liberal's hands. This should be chief concern quite sadly, said... over repealing the 16th-17th amendments.
We may not have a constitution to repeal if the ilk of the leftist democrats use their political spins and Hitler-like tactics to get back in the drivers seat.
To: Jim Robinson
A continuation... the send button got hit on accident.
Immigration is a pertinent issue. From Ted Turner to most democrats, they want globalization, therefore leaving the U.S. with no sovereignty at all.
A tight-handed fist on immigration would curtail the leftist's earth in the balance, new world, utopia, tyrannical order of ideals.
To: TaRaRaBoomDeAyGoreLostToday!
Well, I am 100% in favor of the U.S. getting out of the U.N. and the U.N. getting the hell out of the U.S. No problem. It's nothing more than a world-wide liberal/socialist advancement tool. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson