Don't start with the Science Fiction, I'm not politically naive by a long shot. The Reform Party had everything to do with it.
Yes, "read my lips" was a big mistake, the Democrats in Congress made damned sure that he had to eat his words, and I still voted for Bush...I knew what was going to happen, and it did...twice.
In retrospect, what would have hurt this nation less, four more years of Bush Sr., or eight years of Clinton?
"The Reform Party had nothing to do with it."Don't start with the Science Fiction,
Tough question, Luis.
One difference, if Bush Sr. won his second term,
we would have never seen the Republican "Contract with America."
That was a direct result of the votes won by Perot.
The "Contract with America" was an attempt to win back those votes.
It worked, too, until the Republicans broke their word again.
Then Republicans lost their majority in the Senate.