Democrats always conveniently do a static rather than a dynamic analysis of tax cuts. For instance, they assume that if a trillion dollars in tax cuts are legislated, this would cause government revenues to decrease by that trillion dollars. They don't take into account the increased economic activity that tax cuts create. Increased activity generates increased government revenue.
Here is an example that is so simple, even Kennedy and Daschle could understand it. Suppose a toll bridge was erected across a river. The city that built it wanted to generate as much revenue as possible, so they decided to charge ten dollars per crossing. Most people viewed that as outrageously high and chose to drive a few extra miles to go around the river, rather than pay the toll. At the end of the year, only $1,000 in revenue was generated. Suppose, at that point, someone with a clue about economics proposed lowering the toll to two dollars. Kennedy and Daschle would do their stupid static analysis and complain that now, only $200 would be generated. In reality, with most people now actually using the bridge, some number far greater than $1000 would almost certainly be realized. Static analysis is nothing more than another democrat fraud.
No one should listen to shorty and the lush. Neither has had to live in the real world.
Only if you believe 1984 and Brave New World. The swimmer and shorty seem to.