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Mexico Wants Arizona Back (Now on Hannity & Colmbs
FoxNews ^
| 6/21/02
Posted on 06/21/2002 6:47:57 PM PDT by Mom_Grandmother
Mexico, at least one person anyhow, wants several of our states back, they belong to Mexico. On Hannity & Colmbs Now!!!
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: arizona; donutwatch; landgrab; mexico; southwest
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To: quebecois
You missed the central point of my piece: In a very short time, "most Texans" will BE mexicans. When that occurs..."most Texans" will NOT fight as you suggest, but rather will enthusiastically agree to be reunited with their homeland I don't agree with your premise at all, and don't see it happening. Texas and Mexico are tied together by history, and by a common border. I don't know what your vision of Texas is, but it doesn't seem to be anchored in reality. Feel free to offer up your own state to Mexico, but leave us out of it. We have peacefully co-existed with our neighbor to the south for quite a long time. Our problems are not unsolvable.
To: Mom_Grandmother
The way things are going, they may just get Georgia, too, despite it being on the eastern seaboard, one of the original colonies, and never a part of Mexico.
To: Barbara14
Illegal Immigration is getting so out of hand, that you can literally drive down I-85 at certain times of the week and see an illegal Mexican after an illegal Mexican in the car beside you.
To: goodieD
A large chunk of the city of Fresno looks like Mexico, particularly the southeastern quadrant of the city. The signs, billboards and storefronts are mostly in Spanish.
To: FreedomFriend
It is just a bunch of Hype. You have more to fear from the liberal socialist than Capitalistic Honest Religous Hispanics. We Aint socialist and a large number of us swear the owthe in the armed forces and public service. Fear Hillary and Ted, don't fear good Americans.
To: Rockitz
The thing is, Arizona is the least invaded of all the border states with Mexico. In my opinion, we have a greater chance of holding onto it than we do with California and Texas, perhaps New Mexico.
To: Flyer
I got to be honest, Houston is probably second to Los Angeles among big metropolitan areas in terms of the illegal Mexican invasion.
To: Flyer
In Atlanta, you can see similar taco wagons or trucks in many of the developing subdivisions. Around lunch time, a taco truck will pull up in front of the construction sites, and the illegal workers will rush up for a taco, chili releno, burrito, tamale, or whatnot.
To: Husker24
Actually, I think the Boomer Generation has benefited the most. Many young adults have had a tougher time than their parents due to the nature of today's economy, illegal immigration, inflation, etc.
To: socal_parrot
So, basically, that means that we BOUGHT it from them! They have no claim to it at all unless they want to repurchase it at today's prices. Anyone know any of these guys who can afford that? NO? Case closed.
To: Righty1
Or how about the Mexican flags on cars that have shown their face since September 11, or how about the Spanish-only taxi services, or how about all the bilingualism starting to show up throughout the southwest. Yep, they really want to be Americans. (Sarcasm)
To: dougherty
From what I could see, the only part of the Houston metropolitan area that hasn't sustained a massive invasion is the farth north area around The Woodlands and Conroe, as well as the far west area around Katy. Other than that, the invasion is widespread.
To: Mom_Grandmother
Grandmother, I'm of the opinion that we need to stop immigration for twenty years. It's ripping this country apart. Furthermore, I'm not as optimistic about all this "diversity" among newcomers. Personally speaking, I think that it's fragmenting this country, and it's easy to see when you look at housing patterns. Americans don't want to live around Mexicans. That appears to be what is happening.
To: FreedomFriend
I take it that you've been here then? Because you've got the description dead on the money.
posted on
06/22/2002 11:17:29 PM PDT
To: dougherty
An excoworker of mine was dissapointed that Mexico lost to the U.S. He was born in Mexico, and that is where his allegiance still lies. If they don't want to be Americans, then they need to head towards the border and cross back over into Mexico, because that is where they belong.
To: dsutah
What you seem to want is a career politician. All I care about is an individual who stands up for America and for what is right. Bush rarely does that.
To: blackbart.223
I think it would be better if we keep Arizona and just let them have McCain. Amen blackbart. Arizona will put up a huge fight, after we flush McInsane down the Colorado river and into Mexico.
To: brat
It may be a war we can't win. The hispanic population is already so huge....and a million illegals per year are getting across our border. How do you expect the citizens to fight against those numbers? If Jorge has his way, they can simply walk right in unimpeded. Then can and they are. And if they're caught and deported, they simply come back. Again and again. This is a viscious cancer that is spreading, and our gov't WILL NOT do anything about it. The border patrol is completely strapped. They are like puppets, and aren't able to to the job they all trained hard and were hired to do. And they are being fired upon, risking their lives protecting the border. The bureaucratic boneheads in DC are selling us out, and we all are letting it happen. It's up to we US citizens to do something about it.
To: goodieD
Yeah, I was out in California a couple of weeks ago. I stopped for the night in Fresno and explored Free Republic's home town. I found the northeastern quadrant to be the least invaded, while the southeast to be the most invaded. The northwest quadrant was somewhat invaded, but it still had quite a number of Americans. The southwest section was the black part of town, as far as I could see.
To: brat
Well, so now you 'bashers' understand how us 'bots' feel, don't you? It seems the criticism is coming from your direction as well. Perhaps I'm wrong, but according to what you have stated in your post; it seems to me that you people are not interested in debate. It seems like all you want, is to get even. I don't see anywhere in your argument any suggestions for solutions to our problems as citizens of our nation. Maybe all you need is to knock that big chip off your shoulder first. Then maybe we can all talk together like adults!
posted on
06/22/2002 11:49:38 PM PDT
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