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Mexico Wants Arizona Back (Now on Hannity & Colmbs
FoxNews ^
| 6/21/02
Posted on 06/21/2002 6:47:57 PM PDT by Mom_Grandmother
Mexico, at least one person anyhow, wants several of our states back, they belong to Mexico. On Hannity & Colmbs Now!!!
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: arizona; donutwatch; landgrab; mexico; southwest
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Comment #121 Removed by Moderator
To: Flyer
Yes, that's Houston alright. Such a shame.
To: Bullish
That appears to be exactly what's happening, don't you think? What I think is that the line is going to be drawn in the sand very soon. Very soon.
posted on
06/21/2002 8:26:23 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
The United States is not welcoming future americans, they are welcoming a non-assimilating barbarian class of workers.
posted on
06/21/2002 8:26:50 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
Texas, Cal, and Arizona? What's wrong with New Mexico? /sarcasm
To: Flyer
"What I think is that the line is going to be drawn in the sand very soon. Very soon." I for one, pray you are right, it has to be soon!
Comment #127 Removed by Moderator
To: quebecois
Frankly, they can have the border states if they wantGee thanks, where are you from? Most Texans will support secession and fight to be independent before they would agree to be handed to Mexico on a silver platter.
To: McLynnan
Give them Southern Cal, Southern Arizona, and we'll throw in McCain and a RINO to be named later for free.
But never, NEVER Texas. The State of Texas could kick Mexico's a$$ in a battle. Heh.
Comment #130 Removed by Moderator
To: tophat9000
No these a..holes work around that by claiming they are the Aztecs...While I consider myself pretty tolerant of other religions, even Islam, this is something else. "Human sacrifice was not unique to the Aztecs, but they practiced it on such a scale that an endless supply of victims was required." ( Needless to say, the Aztecs were not the original inhabitants of their lands, but rather the human monsters who quite literally consumed those they conquered.
To: rintense
Thank you, Rintense. Can't believe my fellow Texans aren't on this thread taking major offense. Mexico indeed! Over our dead bodies.
To: Bullish
Come and Take it?
posted on
06/21/2002 8:37:04 PM PDT
To: quebecois
Frankly, they can have the border states if they want...If you want to throw in the towel to that third-world sewer known as Mexico, volunteer your state to be annexed. Thank goodness your not in charge, you are as weak as GW on this issue.
To: quebecois
"Frankly, they can have the border states if they want...but I would demand a few conditions" Why would you be willing to give up one inch of your country to "illegals". Did they win it in a fight you had we knew nothing of? America is for anyone that wants to come here and call it their home, legally, but it belongs to no one here to "Give Away", I mean no dis-respect, but I one who would fight till I died to keep this great nation just as our fore-fathers did, but maybe I am a minority now, who knows? You only give up when it is the last resort.
To: the_right_way
That's happening right now and but the only group who isn't asserting themselves are caucasians.
posted on
06/21/2002 8:39:18 PM PDT
To: quebecois
"Frankly, they can have the border states if they want...but I would demand a few conditions" Why would you be willing to give up one inch of your country to "illegals". Did they win it in a fight you had we knew nothing of? America is for anyone that wants to come here and call it their home, legally, but it belongs to no one here to "Give Away", I mean no dis-respect, but I one who would fight till I died to keep this great nation just as our fore-fathers did, but maybe I am a minority now, who knows? You only give up when it is the last resort.
To: McLynnan
Well, I think this is all pretty laughable. Having seen some of the comments made lately by Fox, I have to wonder if there isn't a major rift going on between him and GWB.
To: Mom_Grandmother
The Spanish seized the country from the Indians....uh, Native Americans.
The Mexicans seized the country from Spain.
Why don't they give it back to the Spanish? Or to the Native Americans?
posted on
06/21/2002 8:41:42 PM PDT
To: Mom_Grandmother
If the mekisons will round up all the socialist, communist scum and take them along...well, I think it's a win win.
And YES, they MUST take Vermont too.
posted on
06/21/2002 8:42:35 PM PDT
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