To: All
C'mon, folks! Don't you care?
To: advocate10
Sounds good to me.
4 posted on
06/19/2002 8:48:53 AM PDT by
To: advocate10
Good post. Looks as if everyone responding is supportive of concurrent receipt.
One thing I think should be made painfully clear to everyone; Retired pay and Disability compensation are two completely separate items!
Retired pay is earned by fulfilling a certain term of service (usually 20 or more years). It is remitted to the retiree by the Department of Defense. Disability compensation is awarded by virtue of the service-member (including retirees) suffering permanent physical loss while in service to his country. The disability rating (expressed as a percentage) and compensation levels are determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Retirement pay is an earned reward for performance. Disability pay is an awarded compensation for physical loss.
Congress and Congress alone is to blame for linking these separate items. They did so by forcing disabled service retirees to forego either a portion of their retired pay or disabilty pay. This is a particularly disgusting way to treat service-members who dedicated their lives to their country and were injured while doing so!
For the first time in over a hundred years Congress is poised to correct this injustice. I urge all Freepers to pressure their Congressmen (yes, that's both Representatives and Senators) for an immediate end to the prohibition on concurrent receipt. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson