This event seems to encapsulate the Arab view of just punishment for this perceived injury to their family/tribal pride. It vividly demonstrates their concept of payback and encompasses both retribution (punishment to another family/tribal unit for the perceived offence) and general deterrence (a warning to others). Another aspect to this is that the family/tribal unit is considered to be an appropriate target for this payback, as opposed to the actual offender.
This act of so-called honor is so far removed western sensibilities that it boggles the mind. But the fact is, when viewed in light of relatively recent events, that this is entirely consistent with Arab sensibilities seems too clear for reasonable debate.
It is my belief that this event goes a long way towards explaining what is otherwise, to us, inexplicable on a larger scale. These are the people we are dealing with.
Dialog of any sort with these people is pointless. Half-measures are meaningless. When we finally take them on, our actions must be so brutal, and mind-boggling in their enormity, that our meaning will not be lost upon the type of mentality that finds it acceptable to rape, and then kill, a six year old girl, just to make a point.